Why can I not edit the project's payables?

Why can I not edit the project's payables?


I want to change the project's payable but cannot open it in edit mode; the icon has disappeared.

In Smart projects

Zrzut ekranu_29-11-2024_142522_helpdesk-test.s.xtrf.eu.jpg

Cause: project has already been invoiced

The project has already been invoiced, and the payables have been automatically locked.


  1. Unlock the payables.

  2. Go to the Invoicing terms tab in the Finance card.

  3. In the menu on the left, select the task in question.

Zrzut ekranu_29-11-2024_142721_helpdesk-test.s.xtrf.eu.jpg
  1. On the right, click the number link in the Invoice number section. You will be directed to the invoice that includes the current payables.

  2. Set the invoice's status to To be Sent.

  1. In the Jobs section, delete the job associated with the payable in question.

  2. Click the Save button.

  3. Go back to the project's payables. The icon has reappeared, and you can now edit the payable.

To take a shortcut to the project, click on the related job in the Jobs section at the bottom of the invoice.

In Classic projects

Cause 1: You are not in edit mode


  1. Open the payables in edit mode.

  2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

Cause 2: The project has already been invoiced


  1. Unlock the payables.

  2. Go to the Finance tab for the job in question.