XTRF Knowledge Base
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Products overview
An uninvited vendor has registered on our Vendor Portal; how did this happen?
How can I change my password?
How can I display vendor rates?
How can I edit the invoice number?
How can I redirect my own domain to XTRF?
How can I shuffle vendors for Job Offers and Availability requests?
How can I subscribe to Smart Views?
How to access API documentation?
How to access logs in on-premise XTRF?
How to add a language code to the output filenames?
How to change the e-mail address of an already registered vendor?
How to create an invoice in a language other than the default one?
How to display a discount or surcharge on a client invoice?
How to indicate that a vendor is on a payroll?
How to insert an image into an e-mail notification template?
How to make a CSV file readable?
How to prevent users from editing XTRF branding?
What are the client and vendor statuses used for?
What is the additional cost of the Vendor Portal?
What is the difference between named and floating licences?
Where to find the password to an archived project?
Why are my e-mails not sent?
Why can't I add instructions that have less than 20,000 characters?
Why can't I display a view [Access forbidden]?
Why can't I edit the project's receivables?
Why can't I sign in to the Home Portal?
Why doesn't my vendor receive the password reset e-mail?
How to create Pro Forma Invoices?
API rate limiting
Is it possible to see how many projects have been rejected by vendors, how many are in progress and how many have been completed?
How to select a default workflow for each client?
How to set a default contact person to a client?
API for customer feedback view
Why can I not edit the project's payables?
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XTRF Knowledge Base
How can I shuffle vendors for Job Offers and Availability requests?
How can I shuffle vendors for Job Offers and Availability requests?
Oksana Vishchuk
Owned by
Oksana Vishchuk
Jun 21, 2024
2 min read
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Problem: Some vendors never receive job requests despite meeting all the criteria.