Projects module

Projects module


Projects tab

In this tab, you can browse, open, and manage available projects. By default, you see the list of all projects, with several filters on top of the table and information about languages, finances, dates, and responsible PM in columns. However, you can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list. Project browse

To learn more about views, see the Smart views article.

  • To open a project, click on its line in the list. To open a Classic project in edit mode, click the icon in the last column.

  • To add a new project, click the Add Project button. You will be directed to the Add Project page. To learn more about projects, see the Smart projects or Classic projects articles.

  • If you select the checkbox in the left column, several additional buttons appear on top of the list of tasks.

    • Click the Duplicate button to create another project with the same data (except the Volume, Files, and the information from the Finances card). When duplicating a Classic project, you will be directed to the Duplicate Project page, where you can select what data should be duplicated. You can also change some details on the project and task levels.

    • Click the Duplicate as Quote button to create a new quote based on the project details: client, service, languages, jobs, vendors, and responsible persons. This option is available for Smart projects only.

    • Click the Export button to download the list of projects in a CSV file.

    • Click the Delete button to erase the project from the system. A pop-up window appears, where you have to type in ‘Delete’ to confirm the erasing.
      Only uninvoiced projects without invoiced jobs or tasks can be deleted.

    • If the project is linked to a quote, decide whether you want to delete the associated offer.

    • If there is an associated project in a CAT tool, decide whether you want to delete it too.

Projects with Closed and Cancelled statuses can be archived in order to save space on the server. The project files will be compressed, password-protected, and accessible only by Home Portal admin users (see the User Groups and Rights article). Other project data will still be visible and can be changed (except for the project status). To archive a project, click the icon next to the Delete button and select Archive. For Smart projects, this action is permanent and cannot be undone.

If you want to create a similar project with the same input files, use the Duplicate option. If you plan to create several projects based on the same scenario, opt for project templates. To learn more about project templates, see the Templates tab section of this article.

Groups tab

In the Groups tab, you will see the list of existing groups along with their status and financial details. Use the filters on top of the list to narrow it down or search for a particular group.

You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.

To enter the selected group, click on its line in the list.

  • To add a new group, click the Add Group button in the right-hand corner. For details, see the Use the Project Group feature | Add a Project Group guide.

  • To delete a group, select the group in question and click the Delete button that appears in the right-hand corner.
    Deleting the group will affect the group entity only. The linked projects and quotes won’t be deleted. The Project Group field will disappear from the project’s and quote’s Order card or Main Data tab.

  • To download the list of groups in a CSV file, click the Export button.

  • To hide the filters, click the icon.

Group page

Each group has its own page where you can see its status and assigned categories, related clients, financial statistics, and linked projects and quotes.

 On the group page, you can:

  • Change the group name.

    You can’t change the group ID. However, you can configure the numbering scheme for project groups in the Configuration menu > Templates > Numbering Schemes.

  • Add and remove clients in the Client card. Each group must have at least one client assigned. To add a client, click the + icon. To remove a client, click the x icon.

    Clients are not imported automatically from linked projects and quotes. Therefore, adding or deleting a project or quote will have no impact on the Client card and vice versa.

  • Add or edit notes in the Notes card.

  • Change the group status. The status can be:

    • Open (you can add projects and quotes, edit clients and finances)

    • Closed (you can’t make any changes to the group).

  • Add categories. You can create categories that will be specific for groups and use them to sort and mark your groups in the Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Categories. For details, see the Add a category guide.

  • Change the group currency. Click the  icon in the top right corner and then the Change Group Currency button.
    The default currency is the base system currency of the Home Portal. All currency changes are made according to the latest data from the Open Exchange Rates service. All the amounts in project groups are calculated dynamically based on the actual exchange rate; therefore, the numbers may vary daily. To learn more about exchange rates in XTRF, see the Currency Rates Synchronization article.

  • Set the group budget.
    If you have a preset budget for a group of projects, you can monitor its usage in the Budget Usage section. To add or change the budget, click the icon in the top right-hand corner of the Budget Usage section and enter the sum.

  • Enter linked projects and quotes by clicking on their lines in the corresponding tables.

  • Link new projects and quotes to this group:

    • For groups with no linked project or quotes, click the Link Projects or Link Groups buttons in the middle of the screen.

    • For groups with projects and quotes, click the Link Project or Link Quote buttons on the Linked Projects/Quotes cards.

  • Unlink project and quotes. To do so, select the desired project or quote in the Linked Project/Quotes card and click the Unlink Project/Quote buttons on top of the project/quote list.

  • Delete the group by clicking the  icon in the top right-hand corner and selecting Delete.


The financial data of the group is collected automatically and shown in five sections:

  • Total Payables

  • Total Receivables

  • Profit (calculated as total receivables minus total payables)

  • Margin (calculated as profit divided by total receivables, multiplied by 100)

  • ROI (calculated as profit divided by total payables, multiplied by 100).

The numbers are displayed in different colors:

  • Red - for negative profit or margin and ROI less than 10%

  • Orange - for 10-20% margin and 10-30% ROI.

  • Green - for positive profit, margin more than 20%, ROI more than 30%.

The budget bar also changes color depending on the usage: green for up to 79%, orange for 80-89%, and red for over 90%.

Templates tab

In this tab, you can create and manage project templates for Classic projects. Using templates allows you to copy the repeating details for similar projects automatically.

On the Browse Project Template page, you can:

Tasks tab

In this tab, you can browse, open, and manage all the tasks you have in the system. By default, you see the list of all tasks, with several filters on top of the table, and information about clients, language combinations, finances, dates, responsible PM, and task status in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.

  • Click on the task to open the related Smart project or the Classic task display. To open a Classic task in edit mode, click the icon in the last column.

  • Click the Export button in the top right-hand corner to download the list of tasks in a CSV file.

  • If you select one or several checkboxes in the left column, two additional buttons will appear on top of the list of tasks.

    • (For Classic tasks only) Click the Multiple Change button to make changes to several tasks at once. For more details, see the Multiple change article.

    • Click the Add Invoice button to create an invoice for the selected tasks. If you select one or several tasks for the same client, you will be directed to the Client Invoice page. For more details, see the Client Invoice page article. If you select tasks for different clients, the invoices will be automatically created with the Not Ready status.

Jobs tab

In this tab, you can browse, open, and manage all the jobs you have in the system. By default, you see the list of all jobs with several filters on top of the table and information about clients, vendors, language combinations, dates, project names, responsible PM, and job status in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.

  • Click on the job to open the related Smart project or the Classic job display. To open a Classic job in edit mode, click the icon in the last column.

  • Click the Export button in the top right-hand corner to download the list of jobs in a CSV file.

  • (For Classic jobs only) If you select one or several checkboxes in the left column, the Multiple Change button will appear on top of the list of tasks. Click it to make changes to several jobs at once. For more details, see the Multiple change article.

Resources tab

In this tab, you can browse or upload additional files that can be used in projects (e.g., TMs, terminologies, reference files, etc.). You can select the resource files that will be used in workflows instead of manually uploading the files while creating new projects. To learn more about resource selection in classic workflows, see the Projects and Quotes - Workflow Resources Selection Rules (Classic) article.

  • Use the filters on the left to locate the desired resource file.

  • Click the Add button to add a new resource. For details, see the Add a workflow resource guide.

  • Click on a resource line to check its details in the Workflow Resource pop-up window. The available fields will differ between CAT tools.

    • To save the selected resource file on your local machine, click the Download button.

  • To edit the resource file details, click the icon. Editing options depend on the selected CAT tool.

  • (For XTM and Memsource resources only) To open the resource file on the CAT tool instance, click the CAT tool logo in the Open/Download column.

  • To make changes to several entities at once, select the boxes in the left column and click the icon above. The drop-down menu appears, where you can:

    • Select or deselect all resources.

    • Delete the selected entities.

    • Click the Multiple Change button to change the Description and Default fields for the selected resources. The available options depend on the selected CAT tool.