Why can't I edit the project's receivables?

Why can't I edit the project's receivables?


I want to change the project's receivable but can't open it in edit mode; the icon has disappeared.

In Smart projects

Cause: The project has already been invoiced

The project has already been invoiced, and the receivables have been automatically locked.

Solution: Unlock the receivables

  1. Go to the Invoicing terms tab in the Finance card.

  2. In the menu on the left, select the task in question.

  3. On the right, click the number link in the Invoice number section. You will be directed to the invoice that includes the current receivable.

  4. Set the invoice's status to Not Ready.

  5. In the Tasks and Items tab, delete the task and item associated with the receivable in question.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Go back to the project's receivables. The icon has reappeared, and you can now edit the receivable.

To take a shortcut to the project, click on the related task in the Tasks tab at the bottom of the invoice.

In Classic projects

Cause 1: You are not in edit mode

Solution: Open the receivables in edit mode

Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

Cause 2: You are not allowed to edit the receivables

Solution: Request the change of the access rights for your user group

The following steps require User and User Groups edition rights. Please contact your system admin if you have no access to this section.

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → User Management → Users.

  2. Locate the user in question and check to which group they belong.

    Note: If there is no Group column in the view, open the user's profile and check the Group section in the 'General Info' tab.

  3. Go to User Management → User Groups and Rights.

  4. Locate the group in question and open it in edit mode.

  5. Locate the Project - Receivables row and check the box in the Edit column.

  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The user will have to sign out and sign in again to see the changes.

If you want to give additional rights to a specific user, not the whole user group, you can create a new user group consisting of only one user and assign the necessary rights to this group. To learn how to do this, see the Add a new user account - Add a new user group article.

Cause 3: The project has already been invoiced

Solution: Unlock the receivables

  1. Go to the Finance tab for the task in question.

  1. In the Invoice number section, click the number link. You will be directed to the invoice that includes the current receivable.

  2. Set the invoice's status to Not Ready.
    Note: Switching statuses for Sent invoices may be forbidden in the Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Invoicing tab.

  3. In the Tasks and Items tab, delete the task and item associated with the receivable in question.

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Go back to the project's receivables. The icon has reappeared, and you can now edit the receivable.

To take a shortcut to the project, click on the related task in the Tasks tab at the bottom of the invoice.

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