How to add a language code to the output filenames?

How to add a language code to the output filenames?

You can have the system automatically rename your output files so that the language code of the target language is included in the filename.

  1. Go to the Configuration menuTemplatesExpressions.

  2. Click the Add button on top of the Expressions list. You will be directed to the Add Expression - File rename rule page.

  3. In the Template section, provide the desired expression, for example:

    1. For a three-letter language code after the file name, enter: ${name}_${task.languageCombination.targetLanguage.langiso3}${extension}

    2. For a three-letter language code before the file name, enter: ${task.languageCombination.targetLanguage.langiso3}_${name}${extension} 

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Go to Projects and Quotes > Workflow Definitions (Classic).

  6. Locate the desired workflow in the table and click the icon.

  7. Go to the Files and Directories tab. 

  8. In the Files section, select the recently created file rename rule from the Rename Output File Expression drop-down list. 

  9. Click the Save button.

Now, when you select this workflow in a project, the system will automatically rename the output files according to the selected rule.