Why can't I add instructions that have less than 20,000 characters?

Why can't I add instructions that have less than 20,000 characters?

XTRF has a 20,000-character limit for text fields, such as notes and instructions. If you receive notifications about exceeding the character limit for no apparent reason, it might be because the field contains more characters than are displayed. It might happen when you paste instructions from a different source, especially an Excel table.
To check if this is the case, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the icon to open the instructions in the editor.

  2. Click the Source button to switch to the HTML code view.

    20 000 text.png


  3. Copy the full code and count the characters, for example, using one of these free tools: https://people.xtrf.eu/~kgarlacz/wysiwyg/ or WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing. If the number of characters in the code exceeds the 20,000 limit, it prevents you from saving your instructions.

  4. Edit your instructions so they stay within the limit and save them.

If the issue was caused by an inserted Excel table, we recommend you convert it to an HTML table, for example, using this free tool https://tableconvert.com/excel-to-html.


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