How can I subscribe to Smart Views?

How can I subscribe to Smart Views?

Smart views can be delivered to Home Portal users by e-mail. To configure such a subscription, you need to create a corresponding periodic job.

One periodic job can send several views for different entity types.

To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu > Integration > Periodic Jobs.

  2. Click the Add button on top of the Periodic Jobs table. You will be directed to the Add page.

    Views to e-mail1.png


    1. From the Type drop-down, select Filter Subscription.

    2. Enter a concise Name.

    3. Click the Save button. You will be directed to the Periodic Job page.

  3. In the Job Configuration section, configure the following settings:

    Views to e-mail2.png


    1. From the Data to be Sent drop-down, select the desired entity type. The selected type will define available views in the next step.

    2. In the Views section, select the view(s) you want to send by e-mail.
      If you want to add a subscription for different entity-related views, repeat the two previous steps for each entity type.

    3. In the Subscribers section, select the recipients among the Home Portal users.

    4. (Optional) Check the Don’t send/save when report is empty box to avoid sending empty views.

    5. (Optional) To save the periodic job to a CSV file on the XTRF server’s disk, select the path from the Save periodic job’s CSV to drop-down and provide a File name expression below.

    6. (Optional) For some entity types, you can select an XTRF Macro Executed as a Post-action, i.e., a custom macro that will be activated after executing the periodic job. To learn more about the XTRF Macros, see the https://xtm-cloud.atlassian.net/wiki/x/R_eg0.

  4. In the Execution Configuration section, specify how often the periodic job should be triggered.


  5. Click one of the following buttons:

    • Save or Save and Exit to save the periodic job without activating it.

    • Run Once for a single execution of the periodic job.

    • Run Periodically to run the periodic job according to the schedule set up in the Execution Configuration section.

If you have selected the Run Periodically action, the selected users will receive an e-mail containing the selected view(s) according to the provided settings and schedule. To learn more about periodic jobs, see the https://xtm-cloud.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SYADy article.




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