How to enable and set up manual time tracking in projects


Manual time tracking gives the user the option to manually record the time taken on each workflow step.

  1. As a user with the Administrator role, go to Configuration → Settings → Projects → Time tracking, and select the Enable manual time tracking for option. Choose who can record the time spent working in XTM Workbench. Additionally, consider if you want a warning message to be sent to linguists, if they do not enter a time, by selecting the Warn linguist if time not entered option in the same section.

Do not forget to save the changes afterwards.

  1. In Project Editor → Workflow of a specific project, click the Edit Workflow button to open the Workflow editor.

  1. Select Calculate costs based on manual time and click the Update button.

As a linguist, you can enter the time you have spent on this task by selecting Tasks → Active → Time.


Enter the time in the format HH:MM, as shown below.

As a project manager, you can see the time spent on this workflow step by the linguist by selecting Project editor → Workflow. Enter the time and then Save the changes.

Remember that, as a project manager, you can also change the manually entered time. Update the time in the workflow step and then save the changes again.


  1. In the case of projects assigned to third-party vendors (LSPs), you need to enable manual time tracking for them, so that you can receive time records from a subcontractor or set time for step completion manually, yourself. To do so, you first need to select the Synchronize time with subcontractors option in Configuration → Settings → Projects → Time tracking.

Again, do not forget to save the changes.

  1. On the LSP side, the Enable manual time tracking option must be selected as well.

  2. Once you have performed these steps, go to Project editor → Workflow, enter the time and then click Send times to contractor.

  1. A green confirmation message should then be displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, informing you that the time has been sent to the Contractor.