Enable vendors to log work time

Enable vendors to log work time


This is an extra feature that activates additional Vendor Portal settings (Job Manager, Invoice, and Vendor Profile settings). Additional charges may apply. Please contact our Support or your Regional Growth Manager for more information.

There are several options for settling payments with your vendors. One of them is to pay for the work hours the vendor spent on the job. It is a very convenient option, as the vendors provide information about the time spent on the job immediately after it is finished. Moreover, this data is instantly available to you on the Home Portal.

The following guide describes how to allow your vendors to log the time spent on the job and where to find the related data.

I. Enable time logging for your vendors

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to the   Configuration Menu → Portals → Vendor Portal.

  3. Scroll down to locate the Job Manager settings section.

  4. In the Vendors allowed to declare time spent on jobs section, select the group of vendors that will be allowed to log their work time.

  5. In the Job Types section, decide on the jobs for which the time logging will be possible.
    Only active job types can be displayed in this Job Types list. Jobs can be activated or deactivated in the Configuration menu → System Values: Advanced → Job Types section. For details, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/job-types.html article.

  6. Select the Calculation unit for payables that will be used for creating the payable for the job.

  7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

To learn more about Vendor Portal settings, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/vendor-portal.html article.

II. Find the logged time and the related payable

When the job is finished, the time the vendor declares is automatically used to create the payable. To see the result, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Vendors module.

  2. Select the vendor in question (the one who wants to receive hourly pay).  

  3. Click the Jobs tab.

  4. Select the job in question, the one you have to pay for.

  5. Click the Payables tab. Here you can find the payable created based on the time logged by the vendor on the Vendor Portal. Hover over the payable to show the Payables Display Panel with the details of the payable. The Quantity of the payable reflects the time declared by the vendor for this job. The Total Value is calculated automatically based on the data from the vendor’s price profile (see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/competencies---rates-tab.html article).

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