How to diagnose performance issues

How to diagnose performance issues


You might sometimes encounter different problems with the connection to and/or performance of the XTM Cloud platform. The reason for problems of this type might vary, depending on the client, client geographical location, the way the client connects to the Internet and the overall stability of the Internet itself, etc. Therefore, this does not necessarily mean that the issue is always on the XTM Cloud side so, before creating a ticket to the XTM International Support team, we highly recommend that you first check the user’s end environment to make sure that no issues are present there.


Keep in mind that the basic troubleshooting should also be done when a single XTM component is not working; for example, the TM module. (TM tab


A connection problem between the device and XTM Cloud server might prevent some requests from getting a response from the server. As mentioned in the previous section, such problems might usually be caused by Internet issues at the user end or by global network issues. Also, in most cases, such issues are just temporary and the user can work after a while.

Below you will find a list of all the steps you can follow to troubleshoot your issue.

Basic check-up

First perform basic checks on your device and on the Internet browser:

  • Clear your browser’s cache (see Clear your web browser's cache, cookies, and history for help),

  • Try another browser to see if the issue also persists there,

  • Try accessing XTM Cloud in private (Incognito) mode (see How to turn on Incognito Mode for help),

  • Try running your browser without plugins and/or extensions,

  • If you are using a wireless connection, check if connecting to the Internet using a network cable helps or reset your router,

  • Check your proxy and firewall settings.

Browser’s developer tools

If these steps do not resolve the problem, open your browser's developer tools while the issue is occurring to search for any persisting error messages in your console. We recommend that you read the following article, for help: How to use browser's developer tools?. You will then need to provide us with the results.


Similarly to the browser's developer tools, another way of tracking connectivity issues is to use the tracert function on your device to troubleshoot the issue. See below a step-by-step guideline to using it for particular operating systems.

Windows: How to use TRACERT on Windows

Linux & Mac: How to use TRACERT on Linux/Mac

See what your usual command would look like in this example:

  • tracert www.xtm-cloud.com

  • tracert xtm-cloud.com

… the output of the above-mentioned command should be saved on a screenshot and sent to the XTM International Support team for further analysis along with information about a country or geographical region a particular user hails from.

Server-wide issues

Sometimes the issue does not persist to one user only but it occurs across all the users residing in a particular server. This usually occurs in the case of Suite (on-premise) clients who manage the entire server and all of its resources on their own (see Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Suite – server differences for more information).

If this is the case, contact your fellow colleagues and/or project managers, and, above all, your IT management to inform them about any potential temporary server’ performance issues, or, if the problem is already well-known, be told what you should do next.

On the other hand, if the issue is persisting on the Cloud or PVC server, do not hesitate to create a suitable ticket for the XTM International Support team and detail all the relevant information.

What to include in the ticket on server performance issues

Before raising a ticket to the XTM International Support team, reporting server performance issues, make sure that all the steps detailed in the previous section have been followed and confirmed!

Before raising a ticket to the XTM International Support team, reporting server performance issues, make sure that all the steps detailed in the previous section have been followed and confirmed!

If the issue has been confirmed as not lying on the client's side, create a support ticket for the XTM International Support team that provides the following information:

  • Internet browser you are using for your work in XTM Cloud (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) and its exact version → please, see How to find the version of an Internet browser for help,

  • URL you are using to log in to the XTM platform,

  • Company name you are using to log in to the XTM platform,

  • Any examples of this behavior, e.g screenshots, video recording. (We highly recommend using ScreenToGif tool for recording the screen and saving it as a GIF file or video. The portable version is free to use: ScreenToGif.),

  • Name of the user who experienced it,

  • Date and time of the issue occurrence,

  • Confirmation if the problem is only specific in XTM Workbench (if so, see XTM Workbench – most common issues & troubleshooting for more information),

  • Confirmation if the affected users are using API or logging in from the the XTM Cloud UI only.

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