XTM Knowledge Base
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Basic articles
How to obtain XTM Workbench URL (XTM Workbench instance ID)
How to use browser's developer tools (Dev Tools)
How to find a project ID
How to find basic contact details (URL, company name, project name)
How to find a customer ID
How to diagnose performance issues
Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Suite – server differences
What are the differences between an update and an upgrade?
What information should you supply to XTM International Support if you want to report a bug?
System overview (linguist account)
System overview (administrator/project manager account)
How to find a user ID
Google Chrome issue – SameSite policy
Why am I unable to Start my Project in the XTM Cloud UI?
How can I check if the progress of my task is correct?
Subject matter factors
How do I batch finish projects?
How to create multiple separate teams within one XTM Cloud instance
Displaying user information in XTM Cloud
Why am I unable to edit target languages in an existing XTM Cloud project?
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XTM Knowledge Base
Why am I unable to edit target languages in an existing XTM Cloud project?
Why am I unable to edit target languages in an existing XTM Cloud project?
Damian Rozmiarkowski
Duncan Bell
Owned by
Damian Rozmiarkowski
Last updated:
Dec 12, 2024
Duncan Bell
2 min read
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