How can I check if the progress of my task is correct?

How can I check if the progress of my task is correct?


If you are having trouble finishing a task due to incomplete segments in XTM Workbench, this article will help you find those segments and finish them.


There are several ways to verify the progress of the task/project. The first is in XTM Workbench itself: look at the bar at the very bottom of the screen.


It will show you all the segments in a job, even if a filter is in use.

To see all To Be Done segments:

  1. Select FilterChoose filtersApply filtersStatus.

  2. Select the Incomplete status checkbox.


The progress bar is also displayed in the Metrics panel in XTM Workbench. To view it, select FileMetrics.



So that you have a good understanding of how Metrics work in XTM Cloud, we recommend you read this dedicated article: About Metrics.

So that you have a good understanding of how Metrics work in XTM Cloud, we recommend you read this dedicated article: About Metrics.

You can also see the progress of your task in the Metrics section of your XTM Cloud project. To view it, select Project EditorMetrics. Metrics are divided into steps and Done/To be done segments. These are updated every time a Linguist sets a segment to Done and moves to the next one. The To be corrected label refers to the Correct step.

Non-CAT tool steps such as Management task do not have metrics. It is impossible to open XTM Workbench on those steps.

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