Configure the Automatic CAT Analyses

Configure the Automatic CAT Analyses

The Automatic CAT Analyses automation adds CAT analyses for each language combination used in the project. Every time you upload one or several work files and related bilingual documents are imported from the CAT tool, new CAT analyses are also imported. When you add another file for the already used language, a new CAT analysis file for this language is created. You can choose which CAT analysis file - the first or the last - should be used in financial calculations on the project level or in the Automatic Receivables and Automatic Payables automation settings.

This automation starts after a linked project is created in the CAT tool.

To activate the automation, go to the Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Automations (Smart)> Automatic CAT Analyses and toggle the On/Off switch in the top right-hand corner of the automation card.

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  • To enable or disable the automation for a specific service, click the Add Service button in the top right-hand corner of the automation card. The Add Service pop-up window appears.

    1. Check the boxes for the selected service(s).

    2. Click the Add Service button. The new service(s) appear in the Service list.

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    3. Switch the toggles in the Default State column according to your needs.

The analyses are imported only after the file importing process is finished.


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