Split jobs in Smart project and quotes

Split jobs in Smart project and quotes

Job splitting is a functionality that comes in handy when you need multiple vendors to perform one job. This might be the case in multilingual projects, where you need a translator for each target language, or when the source document is too large for one vendor.

To split a job between several vendors, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required job in the Process or Jobs card.

  2. In the Job actions dropdown menu, select the Split option.


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  1. In the Split job popup, select the required option:

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    • One language per job to create a job for each target language.
      This type of splitting can be easily automated in the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Automations (Smart) → Automatic Jobs Splitting. For details, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/automatic-jobs-splitting.html article.

    • Select language(s) for the new job to create one additional job. An additional section will be displayed below, where you can select the target languages that will be assigned to this new job.

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    • Use the same languages for the new job to create a new job with the same target language(s). This option can be used when several vendors need to work on different parts of the same source document.

  2. Click the Split job button. New jobs will appear in the list of jobs and the corresponding step will be displayed as a multi-job one in the Process card. To select one of the newly split jobs, use the side panel or the Jobs card.

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