Configure the Automatic Jobs Splitting

Configure the Automatic Jobs Splitting

This automation splits jobs by language combination for specified step types in Smart projects and quotes.

Enable the global job splitting

If you always use different vendors for different languages, you can configure the automation to create separate jobs in every multilingual project. For example, if you enable the global job splitting for the Translation step, each new multilingual Smart project or quote will have as many Translation jobs as the language combination set up in this project.

To configure the global automation, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Automations (Smart).

  2. Scroll down to the Automatic Jobs Splitting card.


Automate job splitting.png


  1. Toggle the On/Off switch in the top right-hand corner of the automation card.

  2. From the Step Types for which Jobs will be automatically split dropdown, select the required step types.

  3. Click the Close button.

Now, in all new multilingual Smart projects and quotes, separate jobs will be created for each language pair for the listed step types.

Configure the automatic jobs splitting per project

Automatic job splitting project configuration will be applied only to:

  • Newly added steps.

  • Newly added languages.

Already existing project jobs can be split only manually. For details, see the Split jobs in Smart project and quotes guide.

Similarly, previously split jobs cannot be unsplit automatically.

If you want to turn this automation on or off for a specific project, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the required Smart project or quote.

  2. In the Process card, click the icon in the top right-hand corner.

    Automate job splitting project.png

    The Automation Configuration pop-up will be displayed.

    Automate job splitting project2.png
  3. In the Automatic Jobs Splitting section, switch the automation On or Off using the top right-hand corner toggle.

  4. If you have enabled the automation, in the Step Types for which Jobs will be automatically split dropdown, select or deselect the required step types.

  5. Click the Apply changes button.