Add a Smart process step

Add a Smart process step

Add a regular process step

To create a new step that will be used in regular Smart projects, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Process Steps (Smart).

  2. Click the Add Step button in the top right-hand corner. You will be directed to the Add Step page.

  3. Provide a Step Name.

  4. Select the Step Type:

    • Manual File Delivery (language-dependent steps, such as Translation and independent, such as File Preparation, DTP, etc.) - steps performed by a vendor on the Vendor Portal (vendors get a list of files shared with the job and are asked to upload result files). Language-independent steps can also be performed by Home Portal users outside the Vendor Portal.

    • Manual File Verification (Editing, Proofreading, etc.) - verification steps performed by a vendor on the Vendor Portal. Vendors get a list of files shared with the job and are asked to verify each uploaded file and set their verification status to Verified or Needs Correction. Vendors can also upload additional files.

    • Script (scripted steps) - automatic steps defined by a user-provided script. The script can react to specific events in the project and perform operations on the job or communicate with remote services.

    • CAT Tool Step - steps that are linked with a specific step in a specific CAT Tool. Those steps can be performed either using the Vendor Portal or an online CAT tool. To learn more about adding CAT tool steps, see the Add a CAT tool step section below.

  5. Select the Job Type that will define which rates from the vendor’s profile will be used for this job payables.

  6. Click the Add Step button. You will be directed to the newly created step page, where you can check or change the step settings.
    You cannot change the Step Type selected while adding the step.

  7. In the Active section, select whether this step should be active and thus selectable in processes.

  8. (Optional) In the Finance card, select another Job Type if needed.

  9. Click the Save button.

Add a CAT tool step

To create a new step that will be used in CAT tool-integrated Smart projects, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Process Steps (Smart).

  2. Click the Add Step button in the top right-hand corner. You will be directed to the Add Step page.

  3. On the Add Step page, select the CAT Tool Step radio button in the Step Type section. Several additional fields will appear below.

  4. Select the XTRF’s Job Type that will define which rates from the vendor’s profile will be used for this job payables.

  5. Select the CAT Tool this step is linked to.

  6. (For XTM-linked steps) Select the correct Instance.

  7. Select the linked Step in CAT Tool.

  8. Click the Add Step button.

  9. (For XTM-linked steps) Scroll down to the CAT Tool Step card. If you have more than one XTRF step linked to the same CAT tool step, decide whether this step should be a default one. If you select Yes, this step will be used for the linked CAT tool step while importing projects from the CAT tool to XTRF.

  10. Click the Save Changes button in the top right-hand corner.

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