E-mail notifications in Smart quotes

E-mail notifications in Smart quotes


When a quote is created, accepted, or rejected, e-mail notifications are sent to project managers, salespersons, and clients.

Notifications about quote creation

A Smart quote can be created in three ways:

  1. By a potential client using the Quote Request Form.

  2. By an existing client on the Client Portal.

  3. By a project manager or salesperson on the Home Portal.

You can also create a quote using API, Smart Connectors, or other customized solutions.

From the Quote Request Form or the Client Portal

After a client requests a quote through the Quote Request Form or Client Portal, the following notifications are sent:

  • Information about a new quote:

    • For potential clients → to the Reviewer set in the Configuration menu > Portals > Quote Request Form.

    • For existing clients → to the Sales Person and Project Manager set in the Client profile > Main Data tab > Sales Data subtab.

  • Quote confirmation to the client who requested the quote.

To change the content and recipients of those notifications, go to the Configuration menu → Templates → Notifications → Templates tab and edit the following templates:

  • E-mail to Client: When client requests a quote

  • E-mail to User: When client requests a quote.

From the Home Portal

Once the quote is created on the Home Portal, the project manager or salesperson responsible needs to provide receivables and send the ready quote to the client (for details, see the Send a quote article). After a quote is sent, the client’s contact person receives the following e-mail with the Quote PDF file attached.

To change the content and recipients of this notification, go to the Configuration menu → Templates → Notifications → Templates tab and edit the When quote is sent to client for approval template.

Notifications about quote acceptance

If your client accepts the sent quote, the following notifications are sent:

  • To the client’s contact person - confirming the acceptance.

  • To the project manager - informing that the client has accepted the quote.

If the Automatic Quote Approval automation is enabled, the project manager will also receive a notification about quote conversion into a project.

If there is no automatic quote-project conversion, the PM must approve the quote on the Home Portal. This action will trigger a similar notification:

To change the content and recipients of those notifications, go to the Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > Templates tab and edit the following templates:

  • E-mail to Client: When quote is approved by client

  • E-mail to User: When client approves a quote

  • E-mail to User: When quote is converted into project by a client

  • E-mail to User: When quote is converted into project by a user.

Notifications about quote rejection

If your client rejects the quote, the following notifications are sent:

  • To the client’s contact person - confirming the rejection

  • To the project manager - informing about the rejection

To change the content and recipients of those notifications, go to the Configuration menu → Templates → Notifications → Templates tab and edit the following templates:

  • E-mail to Client: When quote is rejected by client

  • E-mail to User: When client rejects a quote

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