Add files to a Smart project
Regular files uploaded to XTRF are stored on the XTRF server space. Therefore, running heavy files through XTRF may slow down the system. Those issues can be avoided by using links instead of uploaded files. Using links can also increase the range of shared and stored documents since links can lead to websites, online files, cloud disks, SFTP servers, videos, external apps, etc. Another option for reducing storage space usage is archiving.
Upload files
Open the Smart project in question.
Go to the Files card.
Click the Add Files button in the center of the Files card or drag and drop a file from your local machine to the Files card.
If the project already has any files uploaded, click the Add Files button on top of the file list.
After you select the files you want to upload, the Add Files popup appears.
Select the files' category and languages. To set the same category and languages for several files, check their boxes in the first column and click the Edit Properties button.
Click the Add Files button at the bottom of the popup.
If you do not click the Add Files button, the Add Files popup will be minimized so you can continue adding those files later.
To locate a particular file, click the icon. The Name and Category filters will appear on top of the files list.
Add file links
Open the Smart project in question.
Go to the Files card.
To add a link, click the Add Links button in the center of the Files card (for projects with no previous files added) or click the icon next to the Add Files button on top of the file list, and then click the Add Links button.
The Add Links popup appears.
To add several links, click the Add More Links button.
Provide the links in the URL column.
Provide the file names in the Name column.
Select the files' category and languages.
Click the Add Links button.
If you do not click the Add Links button, the Add Links popup will be minimized so you can continue adding those files later.
Regular files uploaded to XTRF are stored on the XTRF server space. Therefore, running heavy files through XTRF may slow down the system. Those issues can be avoided by using links instead of uploaded files. Using links can also increase the range of shared and stored documents since links can lead to websites, online files, cloud disks, SFTP servers, videos, external apps, etc. Another option for reducing storage space usage is archiving.
To locate a particular file, click the icon. The Name and Category filters will appear on top of the files list.