Use CAT analyses to define payables and receivables

Use CAT analyses to define payables and receivables


The project’s finances can be calculated in two ways - using the quantity of the calculation units entered manually or using the CAT analysis generated by a CAT tool. This guide will show you how to create CAT payables and receivables in Smart and Classic projects and quotes.

Smart projects and quotes

Upload a CAT analysis file manually

Add a CAT receivable

  1. Open a project or quote in question and go to the Finance card.

  2. Go to the Receivables tab.

  3. In the left-hand menu, select the task in question.

  4. Click the Add CAT Receivable button. The Task CAT Receivable pop-up window appears.

  5. From the Job Type drop-down list, select the job type you will charge your client for.
    The job type of the receivable may or may not correlate with the jobs included in the process. One receivable can cover the whole process, or you can create several receivables for each step and language pair.

  6. Select the Calculation Unit.
    The source word calculation unit is the default one for CAT receivables. If you want other calculation units to appear on the list, check the Use this Calculation Unit in CAT Analyses box and provide the Exchange Ratio in the calculation unit settings (see the Add a calculation unit guide).

  7. Check or change the Rate Value.
    If the client has a price profile and rates that match the project data, the Rate Value and Minimum Charge sections will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill them in manually.

  8. In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

  9. (Optional) To add a surcharge or discount to the receivable, click the Edit button in the Discount / Surcharge section. The Discounts/Surcharges pop-up window appears:

    1. With the Application mode radio buttons, select the way the discount/surcharge will be applied:

      • First sum up then apply - the values of all discounts/surcharges are first summed up and then applied once.
        For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. When the discount and surcharge are added, the result would be a 5% discount. The 5% discount would then be applied to $500, and the vendor will receive $475.

      • Apply one by one - each value of the discount/surcharge is applied separately.
        For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. The 10% discount is applied to $500, with the result being $450. The 5% surcharge is then applied to $450; the vendor will receive $472.50. The overall discount is 5.5%.

      • Manual - you manually provide the value of the discount/surcharge.

    2. In the Edit section, select the available discounts and surcharges from the Add... drop-down list. To learn how to add discounts and surcharges to the system, see the Add a discount or surcharge article.

  10. (Optional) Provide additional information about the receivable in the Description field.

  11. In the TM Savings section, select:

    1. The CAT tool used for the analysis

    2. The type of rates that will be applied.

  12. Click the Upload Analysis Files button.

  13. Select the CAT analysis file on your local machine. The TM Savings section will transform into a CAT grid, showing the number of specific matches.

  14. Click the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up.

The newly created receivable appears on the Receivables tab.

Hover over the receivable to expand the Receivable Display Panel.

Click the icon to edit the receivable.

By default, the CAT weighted total sum is calculated automatically and not editable. To change this, go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Settings → Finance tab and check the Enable Editable CAT Weighted Totals box. In the Task CAT Receivable pop-up window, an additional editable field will appear at the bottom of the Quantity column, where you can provide the desired number of words. If no other quantity is added, the provided number of words will be calculated as a No match type.

Add a CAT payable

  1. Open a project or quote and go to the Finance card.

  2. Go to the Payables tab.

  3. In the left-hand menu, select the job in question.

  4. Click the Add CAT Payable button. The Task CAT Payable pop-up window appears.

  5. Select the Calculation Unit.
    The source word calculation unit is the default one for CAT payables. If you want other calculation units to appear on the list, check the Use this Calculation Unit in CAT Analyses box and provide the Exchange Ratio in the calculation unit settings (see the Add a calculation unit guide).

  6. Check or change the Rate Value.
    If the provided data matches the vendor’s price profile, the Rate Value section will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill it in manually.

  7. In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

  8. (Optional) Provide additional information about the payable in the Description field.

  9. In the TM Savings section, select:

    1. The CAT tool used for the analysis

    2. The type of rates that will be applied.

  10. Click the Upload Analysis Files button.
    To use the analysis you’ve already uploaded in the Receivables tab, click the ‘Import All from Receivable’ button.

  11. Select the CAT analysis file on your local machine. The TM Savings section will transform into a CAT grid, showing the number of specific matches.

  12. (Optional) Click the Import % from… button to import rates from this task’s receivables/ other payables/client’s price profile/vendor’s price profile.

  13. Click the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up.

The newly created payable appears on the Payables tab.

Hover over the payable to expand the Payable Display Panel.

Click the icon to edit the payable.

Use the CAT analysis file from the Files card

If a CAT analysis was already uploaded with other project files or downloaded from the CAT tool integrated with this project, you can use this file to calculate the project’s payables and receivables. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Check if the correct CAT analysis file is present on the Files card.

  2. Scroll down to the Finance card.

For receivables

  1. Click the Add Receivables Using CAT Analysis button at the top of the Finance card. The pop-up appears.

  2. Select the Job Type you want to charge the client for.
    The job type of the receivable may or may not correlate with the jobs included in the process. One receivable can cover the whole process, or you can create several receivables for each step and language pair.

  3. Select the calculation Unit.

    The source word calculation unit is the default one for CAT receivables. If you want other calculation units to appear on the list, check the Use this Calculation Unit in CAT Analyses box and provide the Exchange Ratio in the calculation unit settings (see the Add a calculation unit guide).

  4. For each language pair, check or change the analysis file. To use one file for all language pairs, click the icon.
    For memoQ-integrated projects, you can select the Get CAT Analysis from memoQ option.

  5. With the radio button, decide whether to Use full CAT Analysis or Use total quantity only.

  6. Click the Add Receivables button.

The newly created receivable appears on the Receivables tab.

Hover over the receivable to expand the Receivable Display Panel.

Click the icon to edit the receivable.

For payables

  1. Click the Add Payables Using CAT Analysis button at the top of the Finance card. The pop-up appears.

  2. Select one or several Steps you want to create the payables for.

  3. Select the calculation Unit.

    The source word calculation unit is the default one for CAT payables. If you want other calculation units to appear on the list, check the Use this Calculation Unit in CAT Analyses box and provide the Exchange Ratio in the calculation unit settings (see the Add a calculation unit guide).

  4. For each language pair, check or change the analysis file. To use one file for all language pairs, click the icon.
    For memoQ-integrated projects, you can select the Get CAT Analysis from memoQ option.

  5. With the radio button, decide whether to Use full CAT Analysis or Use total quantity only.

  6. Click the Add Payables button.

The newly created payable appears on the Payables tab.

Hover over the payable to expand the Payable Display Panel.

Click the icon to edit the payable.

Use the Automatic Receivables / Payables automations

You can completely automate the process of creating payables and receivables based on the CAT analyses using the special automations created for Smart projects. This can be done for all your projects at once or only for specific projects.

Global configuration

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Automations (Smart).

  2. Scroll down to locate the Automatic Receivables and Automatic Payables automations.

  3. To activate the automations, toggle the On/Off switch in the top right-hand corner of the automation card.

  4. To enable or disable the automation for a specific service, click the Add Service button in the top right-hand corner of the automation card. The Add Service pop-up window appears.

    1. Check the boxes for the selected service(s).

    2. Click the Add Service button. The new service(s) appears in the Service list.

  5. (Optional) To enable or disable the automations for specific services, switch the toggles in the Default State column according to your needs.
    The changes will take place only if the automation is enabled with the main On/Off switch in the top right-hand corner of the automation card.

  6. To configure the settings of a specific service-related receivable, click the icon.

  7. For receivables: The Edit Automatic Receivable pop-up window appears.

    The Use Job Type set within Service and Use Project Volume options are not enabled yet. 

    1. In the Job Type section, select the desired job type from the Use specific Job Type drop-down list.

    2. In the Quantity section:

      1. Decide whether the receivable should only be based on the full CAT analysis or the total quantity.

      2. Decide which CAT analysis file should be used - the oldest or the newest.

    3. Select a calculation Unit.

    4. Click the Done button.

  8. For payables: The Edit Automatic Payable pop-up window appears.

    The Use Project Volume option is not enabled yet. 

    1. In the Quantity section:

      1. Decide whether the payable should only be based on the full CAT analysis or the total quantity.

      2. Decide which CAT analysis file should be used - the oldest or the newest.

    2. Select a calculation Unit that matches the units assigned to a job type (for details, see the Add a job type guide).

    3. In the Percentage Rates section, decide whether the rates should be taken from the vendor’s or client’s price profile.

    4. Click the Done button.

Project-specific configuration

To configure the automations for a specific project, regardless of the global configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a project or quote in question and go to the Finance card.

  2. Click the icon in the card’s top right-hand corner. The Automatic Configuration pop-up window will appear.

  3. Toggle the On/Off switches to activate the automations.

  4. To configure the automations, click the icon (see Steps 7 and 8 of the Global configuration section above)

  5. Click the Apply changes button.

Classic projects and quotes

In Classic projects and quotes, CAT analyses can only be uploaded manually.

Add a CAT receivable (Classic)

  1. Open a project or quote in question.

  2. Select the task in question in the project menu on the left.

  3. Go to the Receivables tab.

  4. Click the Add CAT Receivable button. The Task CAT Receivable pop-up window appears.

    1. From the Job Type drop-down list, select the job type you will charge your client for.

      The job type of the receivable may or may not correlate with the jobs included in the process. One receivable can cover the whole process, or you can create several receivables for each step and language pair.

    2. Select the Calculation Unit.
      The source word calculation unit is the default one for CAT receivables. If you want other calculation units to appear on the list, check the Use this Calculation Unit in CAT Analyses box and provide the Exchange Ratio in the calculation unit settings (see the Add a calculation unit guide).

    3. Check or change the Rate Value.
      If the client has a price profile and rates that match the project data, the Rate Value and Minimum Charge sections will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill them in manually.

    4. In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

    5. (Optional) To add a surcharge or discount to the receivable, click the Edit button in the Discount / Surcharge section. The Discounts/Surcharges pop-up window appears:

      1. With the Application mode radio buttons, select the way the discount/surcharge will be applied:

        • First sum up then apply - the values of all discounts/surcharges are first summed up and then applied once.
          For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. When the discount and surcharge are added, the result would be a 5% discount. The 5% discount would then be applied to $500, and the vendor will receive $475.

        • Apply one by one - each value of the discount/surcharge is applied separately.
          For example, a vendor earns $500 and has a 10% discount and a 5% surcharge. The 10% discount is applied to $500, resulting in $450. The 5% surcharge is then applied to $450; the vendor will receive $472.50. The overall discount is 5.5%.

        • Manual - you manually provide the value of the discount/surcharge.

      2. In the Edit section, select the available discounts and surcharges from the Add... drop-down list. To learn how to add discounts and surcharges to the system, see the Add a discount or surcharge guide.

    6. (Optional) Provide additional information about the receivable in the Description field.

    7. In the TM Savings section, select:

      1. The CAT tool used for the analysis

      2. The type of rates that will be applied.

    8. Click the Upload Analysis Files button.

    9. Select the CAT analysis file on your local machine. The TM Savings section will transform into a CAT grid, showing the number of specific matches.

    10. Click the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up.

    The newly created receivable appears on the Receivables tab.

Hover over the receivable to expand the Receivable Display Panel.

Click the icon to edit the receivable.

By default, the CAT weighted total sum is calculated automatically and not editable. To change this, go to the Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Settings > Finance tab and check the Enable Editable CAT Weighted Totals box. In the Task CAT Receivable pop-up window, an additional editable field will appear at the bottom of the Quantity column, where you can provide the desired number of words. If no other quantity is added, the provided number of words will be calculated as a No match type.

Add a CAT payable (Classic)

  1. Open a project or quote in question.

  2. Go to the Jobs menu.

  3. Select the job in question.

  4. Go to the Payables tab.

  5. Click the Add CAT Payable The Task CAT Payable pop-up window appears.

  6. Select the Calculation Unit.
    The source word calculation unit is the default one for CAT payables. If you want other calculation units to appear on the list, check the Use this Calculation Unit in CAT Analyses box and provide the Exchange Ratio in the calculation unit settings (see the Add a calculation unit guide).

  7. Check or change the Rate Value.
    If the provided data matches the vendor’s price profile, the Rate Value section will be filled automatically. Otherwise, you have to fill it in manually.

  8. In the Rate Origin section, check if the rates were taken from the correct source.

  9. (Optional) Provide additional information about the payable in the Description field.

  10. In the TM Savings section, select:

    1. The CAT tool used for the analysis

    2. The type of rates that will be applied.

  11. Click the Upload Analysis Files button.
    To use the analysis you’ve already uploaded in the Receivables tab, click the ‘Import All from Receivable’ button.

  12. Select the CAT analysis file on your local machine. The TM Savings section will transform into a CAT grid, showing the number of specific matches.

  13. (Optional) Click the Import % from… button to import rates from this task’s receivables/ other payables/client’s price profile/vendor’s price profile.

  14. Click the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up.

The newly created payable appears on the Payables tab.

Hover over the payable to expand the Payable Display Panel.

Click the icon to edit the payable.

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