Deliver translated documents to the client

Deliver translated documents to the client

You can deliver translated documents to your clients when the last step in the process has the Ready status.

You can automate file delivery using XTRF Smart automations. For details, see the Configure the Automatic Files Delivery guide.

  1. Open the required Smart project.

  2. Navigate to the Files card.

  3. Click the ‘Filter’ icon to display the filters panel.

Deliver to clients smart.png


  1. In the Files in jobs filter, select the Files in final jobs option.

  2. To send all the translated documents, select the Send all files to client option from the File actions menu.

    Deliver to clients smart2.png

    To send only some of the files, select the required checkboxes in the file list, then select the Send files to client option from the File actions menu.
    A popup with a predefined e-mail message will be displayed.

    Deliver to clients smart3.png


You can send all project files (except external and remote files from the integrated CAT tool projects) to the client at any time via the File actions menu → Send all files to the client.

  1. Check or edit the message and click the Send button.

To change the predefined e-mail message, go to the Configuration menu → Templates → Notifications → Templates tab and edit the E-mail/Text Message to Client: When files are delivered in Smart Project template.

XTRF does not attach the translated documents to e-mails. Instead, a link to a ZIP file containing those documents is provided in the e-mail body.



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