Manage the Quote Request Form
The Quote Request Form (QRF) allows sending a request for a quote without accessing the Client Portal. It's a great tool for new and potential clients, but it will also accept requests from your established clients. You can paste a link to the Quote Request Form on your business website so that new clients can immediately start the cooperation.
Although it is theoretically possible to embed Quote Request Form as an iframe, we strongly advise against it as it raises security problems (for more details, see Why are iframes considered dangerous and a security risk?).
We recommend using QRF as a separate site and putting the link on your company website instead.
QRF is connected directly to your XTRF instance, so even without access to the Client Portal, your clients can select proper services and specializations and get an instant preliminary cost calculation after uploading a source file or entering the text directly into the QRF.
All the orders from the QRF will be transformed into the new Home Portal quotes, and appropriate notifications will be sent automatically.
Quotes created from the Quote Request Form will be displayed in the Quotes module without a name until a reviewer provides a name on the quote's page.
For each client that requests a quote through the QRF for the first time, a new client profile with Potential status will be created using the data provided in the request.
Default Quote Request Form consists of the following elements and fields:
Service selection
Specialization selection
Languages selection
Full Name
Phone Number
How Did You Find Us? selection
File (Upload a file / Enter plain text)
First Project checkbox
Special request
Target as native checkbox
Note field
Company Name
The services and specializations available in the QRF are the same as those selected for the Client Portal in the Configuration menu > Portals > Client Portal.
Configure the Quote Request Form
To configure your QRF, go to the Configuration menu → Portals → Quote Request Form and click the Edit button.
Here you can:
Decide which XTRF Home Portal user will be the default Reviewer of all quotes from the QRF. This person will receive a notification for each quote request.
Select the Client Price List and Calculation Unit that will be used to calculate the estimated cost for clients.
For estimated cost calculation to work properly, the selected price list has to:
include all the services, specializations, and languages a client can select in the Quote Request Form
use the same calculation unit as the one selected for QRF.
If the service, specialization, or languages selected by the client don't match the price list, no cost calculation will be provided.
To learn more about price lists, see the Manage client's price lists guide.
(Optional) Upload your Terms & Conditions file. The following disclaimer will be displayed with a link to the file: When you click "Request a Quote" below it means that you electronically agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Shape the looks of the form in the CSS Styles field.
Preview the QRF by clicking the Form Preview link.
Add a custom field to the Quote Request Form
To add a custom field to the QRF, go to the Configuration menu → General Configuration → Custom Fields and Columns → Custom Fields tab and add a new custom field. Select the Quote scope and check the Available for Quote Request Form box. To learn more about custom fields, see the General Configuration – Custom Fields tab article.
Get a link for the Quote Request Form
To add the QRF to your site, perform the following steps:
Go to the Configuration menu → Portals → Quote Request Form.
In the Form Preview section, right-click the Open Quote Request Form link.
Select the Copy link address option.
Place the link on your site.