Quotes module (Client Portal)

Quotes module (Client Portal)


In the Quotes module, you can find all information related to your quotes, the quote requests you have sent, and all quotes received from your language service provider. Also, here you can find the archive of all past quotes.

Quotes list

The elements are displayed in the form of a list. Use a simple filter to display your current quotes or your past quotes.

The CURRENT quotes are the ones with the status Pending and Waiting for your Approval. In other words, the ones you are currently working on.

The PAST quotes are the ones with the status Approved or Rejected.

Quote statuses:

  • Pending - you sent the request for a quote but have not received the document yet.

  • Waiting for your Approval - you have received the quote document from your language service provider, and it needs to be approved by you. The exception is when you select the Start project without waiting for my approval option while requesting the quote. In this case, the received quote will be approved automatically.

  • Approved - you have accepted the quote document presented by your language service provider, or the option Start project without waiting for my approval was selected while requesting this quote (in this case, the received quote will be approved automatically).

  • Rejected - you have rejected the offer from your language service provider. This quote will not be converted into a project.

Quote overview

To open the quote's overview, click on the quote's name in the quotes list.
In the Quote overview, you have access to all the quote details and the confirmation document sent by your language service provider. To preview the document, click on the Quote confirmation (PDF).

The quote usually has an expiration date, after which it is no longer valid. The date and time when the quote expires are presented in red under the quote status.

Request Summary

This panel summarizes the information provided while requesting a given quote.

  • Service → what kind of services will be required. Usually, it is the name of the Workflow used for this project.

  • Specialization → A qualification such as knowledge of medicine or law terms required for the project to be performed.

  • Language pairs → The source and target language pairs for this project. The source language is first in the pair.

  • Requested delivery date and time → The date and time proposed by you in the request form as the date when you would like to have the target files ready. In other words, it's your proposal for the deadline of the future project.

  • Contact Person → The person in your company responsible for the future project. All the notifications regarding the project will be directed to this person, and this contact will receive the completed files (if you choose this in the Quote request).

Tasks tab

In this tab, there is a list of all tasks included in this quote.


This tab is visible only in the quotes waiting for your approval when the proper quote document is presented to you by your language service provider.

Files tab

In this tab, there is a list of the source files for each task in the Quote. These are the files you have attached to the Quote request form.


You can use the search window to locate the desired file. Just start typing the file name, and the portal will show you all the matching documents.

  • Click on the task ID to show the files for this task. Click again on the file name or the Download button at the end of the row to save the file to your local drive.

Resource Files Tab

In this tab, there is a list of the resource and reference files for each task in the Quote. The reference files are not to be translated but are necessary to obtain the correct target files. These are the files you have attached to the Quote request form.


You can use the search window to locate the desired file. Just start typing the file name, and the portal will show you all the matching documents.

  • Click on the task ID to show the types of files available for this task.

  • Click again on the file type name to show the files for this task.

  • Click on the file name or the Download button at the end of the row to save the file to your local drive.

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