Close a Classic project
Completing a project generally means getting the work done and providing a result that will satisfy your client. To formally close a project on the XTRF Platform, you need to set up the appropriate statuses of tasks and receivables beforehand. Then, when your project is closed, you can ask your client how satisfied they are with the services received from your company.
Automatic Project Closure
Please note that the project closes automatically if you have completed the tasks and added receivables. In this case, you only need to ensure that your project's status is set to Closed. For more information, see the III. Verify If Your Project is Closed section of this article.
To learn more about Classic projects, see the Classic projects and Create a Classic project articles.
I. Finish all activities
To make the entire project ready to deliver to a client, you need to finish all tasks. On the XTRF Platform, it means that all activities should be marked as Ready or Closed. To finish your task, perform the following steps:
Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.
Go to the Projects module and select the project you want to close, or type the project name in the Search and history field of the top menu bar. You will be redirected to this project display.
Check if the task statuses are set to Closed. The task status is automatically set to Closed when all the jobs in this task are finished and have the Ready status.
In the Project menu on the left, select a task. Go to the Workflow Graph tab and scroll down to the Workflow Directories section. Check if the ready files are in the Output Files branch.
If the flow of the bundles is configured properly, you can see the ready files that should be delivered to the client are displayed in the Output Files branch:Scroll up to the workflow diagram and verify if the Auto-notify Client box in the TASK OUTPUT is checked. If not, you have to manually inform your client that the files are ready and you are about to close the project. To do so, click the Edit and Send button. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears.
In the Recipients section, you may add people who should receive the e-mail notifications in addition to the contact person assigned to the project.
In the Attachment section, click the Add files... button to attach files to this e-mail.
In the Message section, adjust the text to your needs.
Click the Send button. The contact person of your client will be informed that they can go to the Customer Portal to get the ready files or download them as a ZIP package.
Click the Save button.
Close all tasks in the project!
Please bear in mind that you need to close all tasks to close the entire project. If you have more than one task in the project, follow the above steps for each task.
Can I close a project with a canceled job?
Yes. If you have decided that a certain job in the workflow should be canceled, you can still close the related task and the entire project.
II. Verify the receivables' status
When your vendors finish all jobs, you need to charge your client for the provided service. In other words, if you want to close your project, you need to set the status of all receivables to Sent.
Please bear in mind that setting the receivable status to Sent is just an internal change and does not result in sending any notifications to your partners. All default workflow definitions on the XTRF Platform have the Automatically Change Receivables Status to ‘Sent’ when Workflow Is Finished checkbox selected. Therefore, when the jobs in a given task are finished, the status of the associated receivables is automatically changed to Sent. To change this, perform the following steps:
Go to the Configuration Menu → Projects and Quotes → Workflow Definitions (Classic).
Select the desired workflow and click the button.
Go to the Receivables tab.
Uncheck the Automatically Change Receivables Status to ‘Sent’ when Workflow Is Finished box.
Click the Save button.
To check the status of your receivable and set it to Sent, perform the following steps:
Make sure you are viewing the project in edit mode.
In the Project menu on the left, select a task in question.
Go to the Receivables tab.
Check the status of your receivable.
In the example, the receivable status is set to Ready. Click the icon to change the receivable status to Sent.Click the Save button. You have just set the appropriate status of the receivable for a given task.
Set all receivable statuses to Sent!
Please mind that you need to set the statuses of all receivables to Sent. If you have more than one task in the project, follow the above steps for each receivable.
III. Verify if your project is closed
The last step in closing a project is to confirm that the project is closed, and you can start to settle the payments for the provided services. To do this, go to the Project menu on the left, and check the project status. The project status automatically changes to Closed if all tasks in the project are set to Closed, and the statuses of the receivables are set to Sent.
IV. (Optional) Ask your clients how satisfied they are
When you have finished the tasks in your project, you can conduct a client satisfaction survey. The XTRF Platform enables you to get feedback on a project realization process.
Enable the Satisfaction survey
Please note that the Satisfaction survey needs to be enabled on the XTRF Platform. The administrator of the XTRF Platform can configure and customize the list of questions for your client according to your needs. To learn more, see the article.
To conduct a survey, perform the following steps:
Go to the Projects module and select the project you want to get feedback on or type the project name in the Search and history field of the top menu bar. You will be redirected to this project display.
In the Project menu on the left, select the project line and go to the Survey tab.
Click the Send Survey to Client button. You have just sent the e-mail with the link to the Client Satisfaction Survey.
(Optional) To edit the e-mail about this survey, click the icon under the survey. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears.
In the Recipients section, you may add people who should receive this e-mail.
In the Attachment section, click the Add files... button to attach files to this e-mail.
In the Message section, adjust the text to your needs.
Click the Send button.
Your client can now answer the survey questions by rating them with stars on a 1 to 5 scale. The survey results will be displayed in a project’s Survey tab on the Home Portal.