File download and upload options

File download and upload options


In XTM Cloud, you can manage which files your Linguists are allowed to download and upload. To do so, set the global settings for your XTM Cloud instance. Select ConfigurationSettingsTranslationWorkflow and accessLinguist general optionsAllow linguists to download checkbox or Allow linguists to upload checkbox (administrative privileges required!).

Instructions about file formats

  • The Source and Target options refer to the source and target files.

  • An Excel multilingual file is also an available target file type which can be generated if a particular XTM Cloud project uses the multilingual Excel configuration.

  • An Unclean DOC file is a special bilingual target file that needs to be further processed in other software.

  • PDF, HTML and Excel extended table files belong to the Preview files category.

  • An Excel extended table file belongs to the preview files category (not source or target file) because it is a report that contains a lot of additional information at segment level, and reviews. Nevertheless, it can still contain source and target text.

  • A TMX file contains a project’s translation memory.

  • TIPP, XLIFF, XTM Excel Editor and PDF review files are offline translation files which can be generated and used to perform translation outside of XTM Cloud.

  • Alternative translations files are which can only be generated when alternative translation settings are enabled on your XTM Cloud instance (ConfigurationSettingsProjectsProject types). They contain segments containing alternative translations. For more information, see How to enable and set up alternative translations.

Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers

Global settings

There is the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option in Configuration → Settings → Translation → Workflow and access → Linguist general options. This option might be tricky, therefore it requires a separate section, to explain it in greater detail.

This option is disabled by default.

When the option in question is enabled on the global level, it allows for project managers to use Project, Project Template and Customer configuration to change Linguist’s permission to download and upload files.


Once the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option is enabled on the global level, a new section appears in Customer settings, where you can specify which upload/download options should be available for linguists who work on projects created under a particular XTM customer [Customers → Customer list → (select a customer) → Settings → File upload/download by linguist].

By setting up the File upload/download settings option, project managers can decide whether customization shall be disabled for this customer completely (No), options for this customer shall be the same as global options (System default (Yes)), or decide what file upload/download options linguists shall have for projects created under this customer (Yes).

Project template

Once the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option is enabled on the global level, a new section appears in Project Template settings, where you can specify which upload/download options should be available for linguists who work on projects based on a particular XTM project template [Projects → Templates → (select a project template) → Project details → File upload/download by linguists].

Project managers can decide what file upload/download options linguists shall have for projects created under this project template.


Once the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option is enabled on the global level, a new section appears in Project settings, where you can specify which upload/download options should be available for linguists who work on projects based a particular XTM project template [Projects → Project list → (select a project) → General info → File upload/download by linguists].

Project managers can decide what file upload/download options linguists shall have for individual XTM projects.

Important remarks

There are two important things that need to be noted!

  1. If the File upload/download by linguist option in the Customer settings is set to No, it will not be possible to customize file upload/download settings for XTM projects created under a particular customer, as the File upload/download by linguists option for individual projects is then not available at all.

  2. If the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option on the global level is disabled, the settings on the Customer/Project/Project template level just disappear from the XTM Cloud UI BUT they still apply.

In other words, if, for example, on the Project level, upload/download of target files is disabled:

And, after that, the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option on the global level gets disabled but the respective options are enabled in the Allow linguists to download / Allow linguists to upload sections:

The Linguist will still not be able to upload/download target files from the project. This is because the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option only accounts for either enabling or disabling the possibility to customize those options BUT do not disable whatever is set up on the Project level.

For this reason, if you see your linguists report inability to upload/download files in some projects, make sure to first check whether or not the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option is enabled on the global settings, and if not, enable it and see if a particular Customer, Project, Project template has got any customized file upload/download options.

For this reason, if you see your linguists report inability to upload/download files in some projects, make sure to first check whether or not the Allow setup of File upload/download options by project managers option is enabled on the global settings, and if not, enable it and see if a particular Customer, Project, Project template has got any customized file upload/download options.

What if the subcontractor Linguist cannot download the file?

Although we are aware of an issue related to customer settings that affects the ability of subcontractor Linguists to download source files, this problem can be resolved by checking the customer settings. However, if this solution does not work or you encounter other issues, do not hesitate to contact the XTM International Support team: to do so, raise a ticket with the XTM International Support team, on our Support Portal.