Configure the Automatic Files Delivery

Configure the Automatic Files Delivery


This automation sends clients an e-mail with a link to the ZIP package of ready files. You can configure which files should be delivered and when.

Enable the global automatic files delivery

To activate the automation, go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Automations (Smart) → Automatic Files Delivery and toggle the On/Off switch in the top right-hand corner of the automation card.

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  • In the When files should be delivered section, select one or several actions that will trigger the delivery.

  • From the Which files from the last job(s) in process should be delivered drop-down list, select the types of files you want to deliver to clients and click the Done button.

The e-mail sent within this automation is based on the E-mail/Text Message to Client: When files are delivered in Smart Project template. To edit this template, go to the Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > Templates tab.

Configure the automatic files delivery per project

If you want to enable or disable the automation or select different settings only for a specific project, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the project in question.

  2. Go to the Files card.

  3. Click the button.

  4. In the Automation Configuration pop-up:

    Automatic FD (Project).png

    1. Switch the Automatic PO Sending On or Off using the top right-hand corner switch.

    2. Specify when the files should be delivered.

    3. Select which file types should be delivered.

    4. Click the Apply changes button.

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