Use the Multiple Change option

Use the Multiple Change option


The Multiple Change option lets you simultaneously change different settings for several entities of the same type.

Access the Multiple Change option

  • To provide multiple changes in a Smart view (for clients, vendors, client and vendor contact persons), select several entities and click the Multiple Change button at the top of the page.

  • To provide multiple changes in a Classic view (for notification templates, users, and workflow definitions), select several entities, click the icon in the top left-hand corner of the entity table, and select the Multiple Change option.

multiple changes.png
  • To provide multiple changes for Smart projects and quotes linked to a group, open the project group in question, select the required Smart projects or quotes in the Linked Project or Linked Quotes card respectively, and click the Multiple Change button that will appear in the top right-hand corner of the Linked Project or Linked Quotes card.

  • To provide multiple changes for tasks and jobs in Classic projects and quotes, open the project or quote in question and click the Multiple Change button under the Project/Quote menu.

Classic projects and quotes.png
  • To provide multiple changes for rates:

    1. Open a client or vendor price profile.

    2. Scroll down to the Rates table.

    3. Select the required rates.

    4. Click the icon in the header.

    5. Click the Multiple Change option.

Rates 3.png

Provide multiple changes

Smart projects or quotes linked to a project group

On the Multiple Change page, you can make the following changes:

  • On the Basic Configuration card, select:

    • Set to enter new data in the selected field.

    • Add to assign new categories without removing the existing ones.

    • Clear to remove existing data from the field.

    • Don’t change to keep the previous data.

      Project groups - projects1.png


  • On the Project Responsible Persons card, select:

    • Set to assign a new user.

    • Clear to unassign a user.

    • Don’t change to keep the previously selected users.

  • On the Custom Fields card, select:

    • Set to provide a new custom field value.

    • Clear to delete the current custom field value.

    • Don’t change to keep the previously selected users.

Classic tasks and jobs

On the Multiple Change - Choose Issues page:

  1. With a radio button, select what you want to change - Tasks or Jobs.

  2. Select the tasks or jobs you want to make changes to.

  3. Select the Operation type:

    • Edit for changing settings and data

    • Transition for changing multiple statuses

    • Delete for deleting multiple jobs or tasks.

  4. Click the Next button.

  5. For editing:

    1. On the Multiple Change - Operation Details page, check the boxes for the settings you want to change and provide new data.

      Projects - 2.png
    2. Click the Next button. You will be directed to the Multiple Change - Confirmation page.

    3. Check if the listed changes are correct and click the Confirm button.

  6. For transition:

    1. On the Multiple Change - Transition page, select which transition you want to perform.

      Projects - 3.png
    2. Check the list of tasks or jobs to which the transition will be applied.

    3. Click the Confirm button.

  7. For deleting:

    1. On the Multiple Change - Confirmation page, check the list of tasks or jobs to be deleted.

    2. Click the Confirm button.


The settings on the Client - Multiple Change page are divided into six tabs:

  1. Main data

  2. Language Combination

    Clients - 2.png
  3. Edit Rates

    Clients - 3.png
  4. TM Rates

    Clients - 4.png
  5. Templates

    Clients  - 5.png
  6. Portal Settings

    Clients - 6.png

Use the radio button to switch between the options:

  • select Set to change the setting

  • select Add to add a new setting without overwriting the previous ones

  • select Remove to delete the selected settings.

To learn more about specific settings related to the client profiles, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/client-profile.html article.

After you make the necessary changes, click the Next button. You will be directed to the Client - Multiple Change Confirmation page, where you can review the changes and save them by clicking the Confirm button.

Editing rates through the Multiple Change page is especially useful when you want to raise or lower all the rates for your client(s). In the Edit Rates tab, select the Overwrite existing rates radio button and provide the desired percentage in the change by percentage field. All the rates will be rewritten accordingly.

Clients  - 7.png

Client contact persons

On the Client Contact Person - Multiple Change page, you can select the profile settings you want to change for all selected contact persons. Those settings are divided into three tabs:

  1. Main Data

    Contact - 1.png
  2. Account Data

    Contacts - 2.png
  3. Preferences

    Contacts - 3.png

Use the radio buttons to switch between the options:

  • select Set to change the setting

  • select Add to add a new setting to those already set in the contact person profile

  • select Remove to delete the selected settings.

To learn more about specific settings related to the client profiles, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/client-contact-person-profile.html article.

After you make the necessary changes, click the Next button. You will be directed to the Client Contact Person - Multiple Change Confirmation page, where you can review the changes and save them by clicking the Confirm button.

Notification templates

On the E-mail/Text Message Template - Multiple Change page:

Notification Templates.png
  1. In the Templates to be changed section, check if the correct templates are selected.

  2. In the Properties to be changes section, decide whether you want to:

    • Change the theme

    • Activate or deactivate languages

    • Restore content.

  3. Select the desired values from the drop-down lists.

  4. Click the Confirm button.


On the Rates - Multiple Change page:

Rates - 1.png
  1. In the Rates section:

    1. Select the Set radio button and decide on the type of changes with the radio buttons:

      • change by percentage

      • change by value

      • set to value

    2. Provide the desired number in the related field.

  2. In the Minimum Charge section, you can check the lowest acceptable charge for the selected rates:

    1. Select the Set radio button.

    2. Provide the new value.

  3. Click the Next button.

  4. To save the changes, click the Confirm button.


On the Multiple Change page:

Users - 1.png
  1. Decide which settings you want to change in all selected profiles. For a detailed description of settings, see the Add a new user account guide.

  2. Select the Set option and provide the desired value.

  3. Click the Next button. You will be directed to the Multiple Change Confirmation page.

  4. Check if the changes are provided correctly.

  5. Click the Confirm button.


The settings on the Vendor - Multiple Change page are divided into five tabs:

  1. Main data

    Vendors - 1.png

  2. Competencies

    Vendors - 2.png
  3. Edit Rates

    Vendors - 3.png
  4. TM Rates

    Vendors - 4.png
  5. Templates

    Vendors - 5.png

Use the radio button to switch between the options:

  • select Set to change the setting

  • select Add to add a new setting without overwriting the previous ones

  • select Remove to delete the selected settings.

To learn more about specific vendor profile settings, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/vendor-profile.html article.

After you make the necessary changes, click the Next button. You will be directed to the Vendor - Multiple Change Confirmation page, where you can review and save the changes by clicking the Confirm button.

Editing rates through the Multiple Change page is especially useful when you want to raise or lower all the rates for your vendor(s). In the Edit Rates tab, select the Overwrite existing rates radio button and provide the desired percentage in the change by percentage field. All the rates will be rewritten accordingly.

Vendors - 6.png

Vendor contact persons

On the Vendor Contact Person - Multiple Change page, you can select the profile settings you want to change for all selected contact persons. Those settings are divided into two tabs:

  1. Main Data

    Vendor contact - 1.png
  2. Preferences

    Vendor contact  - 2.png

Use the radio button to switch between the options:

  • select Set to change the setting

  • select Add to add a new setting to those already set in the contact person profile

  • select Remove to delete the selected settings.

To learn more about specific settings related to the vendor profiles, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/vendor-contact-person-profile.html article.

After you make the necessary changes, click the Next button. You will be directed to the Vendor Contact Person - Multiple Change Confirmation page, where you can review the changes and save them by clicking the Confirm button.

Vendor price profile - update language combinations

In the Vendor Language Combination - Multiple update pop-up:

Language combinations.png
  1. In the Language Combinations section, select which language pairs you want to apply the changes to.

  2. In the Update Mode section, decide with the radio button whether you want to add data to the existing settings (Append button) or Overwrite the previous settings.

  3. Select the Job Types for the selected language combinations.

  4. Uncheck the Any Specialization box and select the specializations for the selected language combinations.

Workflow Definitions (Classic)

On the Workflow Definition - Multiple Change page:

Workflow definitions - 1.png
  1. Decide which settings you want to change. For a detailed description of settings, see the Configure the task workflow guide.

  2. Use the radio button to switch between the options:

    • select Set to change the setting

    • select Add to add a new setting without overwriting the previous ones

    • select Remove to delete the selected settings.

  3. Click the Next button. You will be directed to the Workflow Definition - Multiple Change Confirmation page.

  4. Review the changes and click the Confirm button.

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