Manage your Home Portal account

Manage your Home Portal account


To access your Home Portal account, go to the Personal settings menu in the top menu bar and click the My Account button.

My account.png

Make sure you are viewing this section in edit mode. If you can’t see the described fields or provide changes, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

General Info tab

In this tab, you can check or change the information provided during the profile creation (see the Add a new user account guide). Also, you can add your accounts in the CAT tools services:

  1. Click the username in external system link in the Username section. The Partner Aliases pop-up window appears.

    Partner Aliases.png
  2. From the System Name drop-down list, select the desired CAT tool.

  3. Provide the user’s Name in external system

  4. Provide the user’s Password in the CAT tool.

  5. Click the Add button.

  6. (Optional) Repeat the steps from 2 to 5 for other CAT tools.

  7. Click the Save button.

Social Media tab

 In this tab, you can add your photo and information about your accounts on social media.

  • Click the Add Social Medium button to add another account.

  • If you add several accounts, you can set the preferred one with the Preferred radio button.

  • To add a profile photo, click the Upload image file button.

Mailboxes tab

In this tab, you can create your personal mailbox that will be used throughout the system:


Main Settings tab

In this tab, you can set your data format preferences.

Main settings.png
  1. With the radio button, switch between the System Values and User-defined Values columns to select whether you will use system or user-defined formatting.

  2. After switching to the User-defined Values column, provide new formats according to your preferences.

  3. In the Format Previews column, you can check how the data will be presented.

  4. Click the advanced link to open time zone-related settings. Click the basic link to collapse them.

  5. Click the Save button.

Keyboard Shortcuts tab

In this tab, you can set custom keyboard combinations for shortcuts to different Home Portal areas.

  1. With the radio button, switch between the System Values and User-defined Values columns to select whether you will use system or custom combinations.

  2. After switching to the User-defined Values column, provide new combinations according to your preferences.

  3. Click the Save button.

CRM tab

In this tab, you can set your preferences for CRM-related notifications.

  1. With the radio button, switch between the System Values and User-defined Values columns to select whether you will use system or custom settings.

  2. After switching to the User-defined Values column, provide new settings according to your preferences.

  3. Click the Save button.

Views tab

In this tab, you can check to which views you have access and delete the unwanted ones.


Directories Mapping tab

In this tab, you can match the folders on the XTRF server with the ones on your local machine.

  1. Provide the Server Side Directory name.

  2. Provide the Local Directory name.

  3. Click the Add Folder Mapping button.

  4. Click the Save button.

Access Tokens tab

In this tab, you can check the tokens enabling connection to the Home Portal API or generate a new token.



Anyone who knows your token can use your API and operate in your XTRF.

Tokens can be invalidated at any time by clicking the bin icon. The connections using invalidated tokens will be terminated right away. Once invalidated, the token cannot be restored.

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