Create a report

Create a report


The XTRF Platform enables you to visualize your data in the Home Portal. It helps you to present the results of your employees' work, sum up your vendors' activities, or track your clients' orders. XTRF Platform provides simple tables where you can set together your project data in one place, as well as visualize them either on simple charts or more complex ones. The default charts defined in the Home Portal are embedded from Google charts; however, the chart definition can be customized to your needs. Moreover, you can generate your data set in a user-friendly printed format or export it to a CSV file. The visualization is an easy and efficient way to tackle all activities in the Home Portal by transforming task names, start and end dates, and durations into cascading horizontal bar charts.

I. Add a report

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to the Portals module.

  3. Click the Add Report button on top of the list of reports.

    You will be directed to the Add Business Report page.

  4. Provide a name for the new report.

  5. Check the Preferred box if you want this report to appear on top of the list.

  6. From the Report Type drop-down list, select which variables you want to reflect in this report: a number, a value, or a relation between two types of data.

  7. From the Data Type drop-down list, select which data you want to reflect in this report.

  8. If you have chosen Relation in the Report Type field, a Related Data Type drop-down list appears. Select the data you want to compare to the one in the Data Type field.

  9. Click the Save button. You are directed to this report's setting page.

II. Specify the report details

In the Report Definition tab, you can specify how the data will be presented in the report:

  1. (Optional) If you want this report to be available in another language, in the Name section, click the Show Localized Names link. For details, see the Add localized values guide.

  2. In the Categories section, select the appropriate label for your report from the drop-down list. To learn how to manage categories, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/configuration-menu/en/categories.html article.

  3. In the Filter Settings: Task section, you can add filters to your report.

    1. From the drop-down list, select the filtering scope related to the report. Additional fields will appear. Note that setting fields can be different for each filter. To learn more about filters and settings, see the filter settings expand below.

    2. Select the desired settings to narrow down the data in the report.

    3. Check the Show filter on generated report to make the selected filters appear on the report.
      Only the table report view will display the selected filters.

  4. In the Columns section, select which columns will be displayed on the report.

    1. From the Columns drop-down list, select the variables that will be displayed in columns.

    2. From the Label drop-down list, select the title for the columns.

    3. With the Include Missing checkbox, decide whether you want to include columns with zero values.

    4. With the Sum checkbox, decide whether you want to include an additional row displaying the total amount of a column.

    5. If the data in the column is time-related, select how it will be arranged from the Frequency Type drop-down list.

    6. From the Sort Order drop-down list, select how the data will be sorted in the table.

  5. In the Rows section, select the settings as described in Step 5.

  6. Click the Save button. Now you can generate some views of this report.

The Generate Chart button is inactive. To activate the chart view, go to the Chart Settings tab.

Filter settings

The filter settings are applied to the main data type. Depending on the selected filter, different additional fields will appear in the Filter Settings: Task section:

  • Mode&Value fields that are displayed in pairs:

    • Mode ‘is / is not’ & Value ‘any / no / yes’.

      Use those filters to include items that are / are not that of the selected value. For example, if you want to use invoiced tasks as a filter parameter, select the Task, Invoiced filter. When you select ‘is’ and ‘yes,’ the filter includes all invoiced tasks. When you select ‘is not’ and ‘yes,’ the filter includes all tasks that were not invoiced.

    • Mode ‘is any of / is none of’ & Value as the list of entities you can select in relation to the chosen mode.

      Use those filters to include or exclude the selected values from the search. For example, if you want to see the number of projects for all clients except one, select ‘is none of’ and the excluded client’s name.

  • Text fields with an additional filter containing conditions:

    • Case-insensitive Match / Equals / Starts with / Ends with / Wildcard

      Use those filters to search entities by name or ID. For example, you can filter clients by name even if you remember only the first few letters.

  • Currency fields with inequality conditions

    Use those filters to set the range of a value in the desired currency. For example, you can filter the projects with a total value greater than or equal to 1000 EUR.

  • Percentage filters with inequality conditions

    Use those filters to set the range of a value in percent. For example, you can filter the projects with a margin lower than 15%.

  • Time-related filter settings

    Click the edit button to open the time settings pop-up window:

    In the Quick Select section, select the time period, or provide more precise information in the From and To sections. For example, you can filter the invoices sent during the last two months.

III. (Optional) Enable the chart view

  1. Go to the Chart Settings tab.

  2. Select the graph type of the report's chart.

  3. Click the Save button.

IV. Decide who can see the report

  1. Go to the Execution Permission tab.

  2. Decide who will be permitted to see this report:

    • Click the Global Permission radio button to give viewing and editing rights to all Home Portal user groups.

    • Click the Individual Access Settings radio button to select which groups and what users will be able to see this report:

      1. In the Groups section, select the desired user groups in the Available Items list and add them to the Selected Item list.

      2. In the Users section, select the desired users in the Available Items list and add them to the Selected Item list.

      3. Click the Save button.
        If the settings in the Configuration Menu > User Management > Users Groups and Rights allow certain user groups to edit the reports, they will be able to generate reports regardless of the settings you set on the report level.

  3. (For client-related reports) To allow clients to see this report on the Client Portal, go to the Client Permission subtab and check the This report can be viewed by clients box.

    This report can be viewed by clients checkbox is active only when you have selected the Project, Client filter, and checked the Logged-in User box in the Report Definition tab.

IV. Generate the report

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  2. Click one of the buttons:

    • Generate to display the data in a table.

    • Generate Chart to display the data in a chart.
      Hover over the chart's elements to display additional details.

    • Generate Printer-Friendly Version to display data in a printer-friendly format.

To learn more about reports in XTRF, see the Reports module article.


How can I add the Finished column or row in the Reports module?


The Finished column or row is not available in the Reports module. You can try adding, for example, a Start Date and Time filter or a Deadline to see whether it meets your expectations. As another option, you can add the Finished column on the Jobs view. This view can be exported and processed further in the Excel file. Alternatively, we can create a custom macro.

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