Configure the Automatic Quote Approval

Configure the Automatic Quote Approval

This automation converts quotes to projects after the client approves the quote.

Clients can approve Smart quotes either on the Client Portal (if enabled) or on the Decide on Quote page that appears after clicking the Decide on Quote link in the automatic e-mail notification. When the Automatic Quote Approval is switched on, the client's approval will change the Smart quote's status to Approved and convert the quote into a project. Respective e-mail notifications will be sent to the client and project manager. All files and data entered in the quote will be transferred to the project.

Enable the global automatic quote approval

To activate the automation, go to the Configuration menu > Projects and Quotes > Automations (Smart)> Automatic Quote Approval and toggle the On/Off switch in the top right-hand corner of the automation card.

Automations 11.png

Configure the automatic quote approval per quote

If you want to enable or disable the automation only for specific quotes, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the quote in question.

  2. Go to the Quote card.

  3. Click the button.

  4. In the Automation Configuration pop-up, switch the Automatic Quote Approval On or Off.


  5. Click the Done button.


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