Log your work time in the Home Portal
To log the time you spend on different activities in the Home Portal, use the Work Log menu located in the top menu bar.
Click the Log Work button.
Click on the activity you want to log the time for. You will be directed to the Work Log page, where the Log Work pop-up window appears.
You can select another activity from the Activity drop-down list.
(Optional) Provide a description.
Enter the Time spent on the activity.
Click the Log Work button.
You will be directed to your Timesheet, where you can log other activities for different dates:
Select the date.
Click the Log Work button.
Provide the information as described in step 2 above.
To access the Work Log page, you can also click the Show Work Log button at the top of the Work log menu.
The available activities are user group-related. To learn more about assigning activities to user groups, see the User Group Settings tab article.