Manage client's offices
On the XTRF Home Portal, the client’s company offices can operate as separate client accounts while staying linked to each other in a dependency that reflects the structure of their organization. Moreover, a contact person from one office might be granted access to the quotes and projects in other linked offices. In this case, your client's contact person requires only one personal Client Portal account to access all relevant information and files.
From this guide, you will learn how to:
link two client’s offices
add a new subordinate office to an existing office
assign a contact person to a specific office, and manage the access rights for this account.
Link your client’s offices
To link two existing client offices with the parent-child relationship, perform the following steps:
Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.
Go to the Clients module.
In the Clients display, locate the account of the client's subordinate office and click the icon. Use the filters on top of the list to narrow it down.
In the client profile display, go to the Main Data tab > Offices subtab.
In the Parent Office section, click the Select button. The Select Office pop-up window appears.
In the list of your clients, locate and select the account of the parent office. Use the filters on the left-hand side to narrow down the list. The Select Office pop-up window closes.
Click the Save button. The two offices are now linked, and the name of the parent office is displayed.
Add a new subordinate office
To create a new subordinate office in the client profile, perform the following steps:
Go to the Clients module.
In the Clients display, locate the account of the client's subordinate office and click the icon. Use the filters on top of the list to narrow it down.
In the client profile display, go to the Main Data tab → Offices subtab.
In the Offices table, click the Select Client button. The Select Office pop-up window appears.
In the list of your clients, locate and select the account of the subordinate office. The Select Office pop-up window closes.
Click the Save button. You have added a new subordinate office to this parent office.
Please mind that the new subordinate office is a separate client account in your Home Portal.
Assign a client’s contact person to multiple offices
To assign your client's contact person to multiple offices, perform the following steps:
Go to the Clients module > Contacts tab.
In the Contacts display, locate the desired contact person and click the icon. Use the filters on top of the Client Contact Persons list to narrow it down.
Go to the Main Data tab.
In the Client section, click the Change button to assign this contact person to another or multiple offices. The Select Client Office pop-up window appears.
Select the checkboxes of the offices to which this contact person will be assigned.
Use the Default radio button to set the default office for this contact person.
Click the Apply button. The Select Client Office pop-up window closes.
The name of the default office of the contact person is marked in bold.
Go to the Account Data subtab.
Check the Client Portal Access Allowed box.
From the Manage drop-down menu, select the access rights for this contact person. Select one of the following options:
Only related quotes/projects - grants access only to the quotes and projects from the contact person's default office where this person is selected as the contact person.
Department - grants access to all quotes and projects from the contact person's department.
Default office - grants access to all quotes and projects from the contact person's default office.
All selected offices - grants access to all quotes and projects from all offices selected for this contact person.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. You have assigned the contact person to the client's offices.
You can assign the contact person only within the already linked offices.