Manage the XTRF Chat Workspace

Manage the XTRF Chat Workspace


The XTRF Chat Workspace can be managed in the workspace admin panel by an admin user. To access the admin panel, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the standalone web version of the XTRF chat and switch to the Admin workspace in the left-hand panel (option visible for admin user only).

  2. In the right-hand panel, click the Open workspace admin panel button.

You will be directed to the admin space. Use the left-hand navigation sidebar to switch between cards.

Members card

In this card, you can:

  • browse all the members of the workspace

  • remove members from the workspace

  • resend the invitations to those who haven’t accepted them yet.

Apps card

In this card, you can check the status of the applications available for your workspace and take a shortcut to the app settings.

Test Mode card

In this card, you can limit access to your workspace by providing a list of trusted e-mail addresses or domains. Only users whose e-mails are listed here or belong to the listed domains will be allowed to use the workspace.

This option might be useful while testing your workspace before you invite external users.

 To enter the test mode:

  1. Provide trusted domains or single e-mail addresses in the text field and click the Save domains button.

    • Separate the domains and e-mails with a comma, e.g., acme.com, john.doe@acme.com.

    • To use e-mail subadressing, put the plus sign into square brackets, e.g., john.doe[+]1991@gmail.com.

    • For multiple e-mail aliases, use the following expression (.*), e.g., john.doe[+](.*)@gmail.com.

    • To remove a domain or an e-mail, delete its name from the field and click the Save domains button.

  2. Switch the toggle in the top right-hand corner to ON.

You can also add and remove trusted domains while the test mode is on.

Once the test mode is enabled, all the workspace users see the corresponding notification.

To stop using the test mode, switch the toggle in the top right-hand corner to OFF.



To find out more about XTRF Chat, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/chat/?lang=en.

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