Add and remove users in the XTRF Chat

Add and remove users in the XTRF Chat

Workspace users' e-mail addresses should be unique for the Chat to work properly.


The XTRF Chat is a separate entity from the XTRF Platform; therefore, the Redirect All Mail to Admin setting from does not apply to the Chat. Therefore, vendors and managers will always receive e-mail notifications about being invited to / removed from the XTRF Chat workspace.


Add a project manager (PM) or project coordinator (PC) to the XTRF Chat

When a new PM or PC is added to a project, they're automatically added to all project-related chat rooms and assigned the Manager role. All managers can perform the same actions in the XTRF Chat - read all the messages in all project's chat rooms, access individual chat rooms with vendors, etc.

Remove a PM or PC from the XTRF Chat


Removing a PM or PC from a project in XTRF does NOT impact chat room membership. Previously assigned managers can still access the project chat rooms, read all messages, and send new ones.

Managers can be removed from the workspace by the workspace administrator (see the XTRF Chat for Admins article).

Alternatively, deleting the manager's user account on the Home Portal or erasing their personal data from the XTRF Platform will also result in losing access to the related workspace.

As a result, a PM or PC will receive an e-mail notification about being removed from the workspace.

The workspace in question will be removed from their list of workspaces in the standalone Chat application.


The vendors themselves (those whose data is saved in vendor profiles in the XTRF Home Portal) technically can't be members of the XTRF Chat - only the vendor contact persons assigned to a job can receive and accept an invitation.

Add a vendor to the XTRF Chat

Once a vendor has been assigned to a job, the vendor contact person is added as a member to the All project members chat room, and an individual chat room with the managers is created.

If a vendor has several contact persons, only the one listed in the People card in Smart projects or the Job - Main Data tab in Classic projects will receive an invitation.

If you change the vendor contact person in the project, the newly selected contact person will also be invited to the chat.

Remove a vendor from a chat room

If you unassign a vendor from a job, the related vendor contact person is automatically removed from the All project members chat room. Their individual chat rooms become inactive.

You cannot remove vendor contact persons from the All project members chat room or individual chat rooms while the vendor is still assigned to a job.

Remove a vendor from the workspace

Vendors can be removed from the workspace by the workspace administrator (see the Admin workspace panel article).

Alternatively, deleting the vendor's contact person profile on the Home Portal or erasing their personal data from the XTRF Platform will also result in losing access to the related workspace.

As a result, the vendor contact person receives an e-mail notification about being removed from the workspace.

The workspace in question will be removed from their list of workspaces in the standalone Chat application, and their data will be anonymized (see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/chat/en/vendor-anonymization.html article).


Admin rights can be granted only to an existing workspace member. To create an admin user, please contact the XTRF Helpdesk and provide the e-mail address of a chat user with a manager role. The selected user will receive an e-mail invitation to join the workspace as an admin.

To find out more about XTRF Chat, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/chat/?lang=en.


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