Enable job deadline notifications in the XTRF Chat

Enable job deadline notifications in the XTRF Chat

Job deadline notification can be enabled only for vendors.

If you want to be notified about nearing job deadlines, you can configure job deadline reminders in the XTRF Chat. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Chat standalone web app.

  2. Go to the Settings tab in the right-hand panel.

  3. Go to the App settings > XTRF Notifier.

  4. Check the Remind me when my job deadline is approaching and/or Remind me when my job deadline has passed boxes.

  5. In the drop-downs, check the appropriate boxes for the time before or after the deadline.
    You can check several boxes to receive more reminders.

  6. Click the Save changes button.

To find out more about XTRF Chat, see the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/chat/?lang=en.