Add a language

Add a language

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → System Values: Advanced → Languages.

  2. Click the Add button on top of the Languages table. You will be directed to the Add Language page.

  3. In the Name field, provide the name of the new language.

  4. In the Symbol field, provide the unique symbol of the new language.

  5. In the ISO 639-1 Code (two letters) field, provide the language code used in Phrase, Trados Studio, GroupShare, and XTM integrations.

  6. In the ISO 639-2 Code (three letters) field, provide the language code used in memoQ integration. For details, see the memoQ documentation.

  7. (Optional) In the SDL MultiTerm Alias field, provide the language code used in Trados Studio and GroupShare integrations for MultiTerm term bases.

  8. Decide whether this language should be Active and thus selectable.

  9. Decide whether this language should be marked as a Preferred Item and thus appear on top of the drop-down lists.

  10. Decide whether this language should be a Default one.

  11. Click the Save button.

We recommend ensuring that the language codes provided in XTRF correspond to the codes from your CAT tool(s), especially for rare languages.


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