Brand your e-mails

Brand your e-mails


On the XTRF Platform, you can customize your XTRF e-mail themes and templates to send branded communication to your clients and vendors.

An e-mail theme is a visual style that defines your e-mail’s typography, imagery, headers, footers, etc. E-mail themes are later applied to e-mail templates used to predefine the content of individual e-mails.

The default theme for e-mail notifications includes XTRF logos and ‘Powered by XTRF’ notes. You can reduce or remove the XTRF branding in all outgoing e-mails by creating your own themes.

Upload necessary images

If you plan to add your logo or other images to the e-mails, you need to upload them to XTRF. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > E-mail Images tab.

  2. Click the Add files… button and select the file from your local machine.

  3. Repeat for other image files.

To get the link to an uploaded image, right-click on the Link and select Copy link address.

Customize an e-mail theme

  1. Go to the Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > Themes tab.

  2. To edit an existing theme, click the icon. To learn how to add a new theme from scratch, see the Create a custom e-mail notification template | Add a custom e mail theme guide.

  3. Scroll down to the E-mail Content section.


  4. To replace the XTRF logo with your own, double-click on the icon. The Image Properties pop-up appears.


    1. In the URL* field, provide a link to the desired image stored on the Home Portal (see the Upload necessary images section above).

    2. (Optional) Specify the image properties in the fields below.

    3. Click the OK button.

  5. To replace or remove the ‘Powered by XTRF’ note, click on it and provide another note or leave the field empty.

  6. (Optional) Use other formatting options in the E-mail Content section to further customize your e-mails.

  7. (Optional) In the Theme Style section, customize your e-mails using the CSS editor.

  8. (Optional) Click the Preview button at the bottom of the page to check the result.

  9. Click the Save or Save and Exit button.

Customize an e-mail template

  1. Go to the Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > Templates tab.

  2. To edit an existing template, click the icon. To learn how to add a new template from scratch, see the https://xtm-cloud.atlassian.net/wiki/x/QQDjxw guide.

  3. Once in the template editing window, choose the theme for the template from the drop-down list.


  4. Proceed with creating the template content or rebuilding an existing one. To add an image to the e-mail, click the icon and paste the link to a previously uploaded image.

    Add image.png


To find out how to customize the branding of XTRF Portals, see the Customize branding in XTRF guide.

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