Add workflow resources selection rules (Classic)

Add workflow resources selection rules (Classic)

Workflow resources selection rules are a set of specific criteria used to automatically assign a resource to the workflow.

To add workflow resources selection rules, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Workflow Resource Selection Rules (Classic).

    Workflow resources.png
  2. Click the Add button on top of the Selection Rules for Workflow Resources table. You will be directed to the Add Selection Rules for Workflow Resources page.

    Workflow resources1.png
  3. Provide a name for the new rule.

  4. Decide whether the rule should be Active and thus selectable.

  5. Decide whether the rule should be marked as a Preferred Item and thus appear on top of the drop-down lists.

  6. In the Filter Settings section, add and configure the filters.

    1. Click on the Choose filter from list… drop-down list.

      Workflow resources2.png
    2. Click on the desired filter. The selected filter will appear above.

    3. Set the default values for the new filter. Repeat if necessary.

  7. Click the Save button.


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