Add a Classic automatic action

Add a Classic automatic action

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Automatic Actions (Classic).

  2. Click the Add button on top of the Automatic Actions table. You will be directed to the Add Automatic Action page.

  3. Select the type of automatic action.

  4. Provide the name for this action.

  5. Click the Save button. You will be directed to this action page.

The available fields and sections will differ depending on the selected automatic action type.

  1. (Optional) To provide the name of this action in other languages, click the Show Localized Names link in the Name section. The Localized Name section will appear.

  2. Click the Add Localized Value button. The Add Localized Value pop-up window will appear.

    1. Select the desired Language.

    2. In the New Value field, provide the action name in the selected language.

    3. Click the Save button. The new name will appear in the Localized Name section.

  3. Decide whether the action should be Active and thus selectable.

  4. Decide whether the action should be marked as a Preferred Item and thus appear on top of the drop-down lists.

  5. Decide whether the action should be a Default one.

  6. In the Linked Vendor section, check if the vendor was assigned correctly. For each automatic action, XTRF creates a dedicated vendor profile.

The vendors created for the purposes of the automatic actions are not visible by default on the list of vendors. To display them, select the Linked with Automatic Actions option in the Type filter on vendor-related views.

  1. With the checkboxes, select which actions the newly created automatic action should perform.

  2. In the Fetch Packages from CAT Tool section, select the desired file types from the drop-down list.

  3. From the Place for Fetched Files drop-down list, select where the fetched files should appear.

  4. Click the Save or Save and Exit button.

To send availability requests for only one job in the workflow, check the Run Action Only for the Next Job box on Availability Request automatic action page.
You may want to have two automatic actions of this type - one that will send requests for all jobs in the workflow and another that will send the requests only for the next job.


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