Add a country or territory

Add a country or territory

  1. Go to the Configuration menu → System Values: Basic → Countries.

  2. Click the Add button on top of the Countries table. You will be directed to the Add Country page.

  3. In the Name field, provide the name of the country or territory.

  4. In the Symbol field, provide the country code.

  5. (Optional) In the Country-specific Tax No… fields, provide the name(s) of the tax identification numbers.

  6. From the Tax No. Checking Method drop-down list, select the appropriate option for the Tax No checking:

    • Not Checkable

    • Automatically Checked (EU country)

    • Manually Checked (Russia)

  7. Decide whether this country should be Active and thus selectable.

  8. Decide whether this country should be marked as a Preferred Item and thus appear on top of the drop-down lists.

  9. Decide whether this country should be a Default one.

  10. Click the Save button.


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