Send the Smart quote

Send the Smart quote

After you have prepared a quote, you can send it to the client. To do so, either:

  • Click on the drop-down menu at the top of the right-hand side panel and select Send Quote to Client

  • Go to the Quote Confirmation section in the right-hand side panel, open the drop-down menu, and click Send.

If the Send Quote to Client button is inactive, you’ve probably forgotten to provide some important details about the quote. Hover over the inactive button to get a hint on what is missing.

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If you cannot see the right-hand side panel with the status on top, you have probably opened another side menu, such as the Job menu. Click the icon to close it.

In the right-hand side panel, you can also:

  • approve or reject the quote

  • preview the quote before sending

  • edit the quote’s cover e-mail

  • add a category to a quote.

To learn more about categories, see the System Values: Advanced - Categories article.

To edit the e-mail sent to the client along with a quote, click the Edit and Send button in the Quote Confirmation section. The E-mail Test pop-up window appears. Here you can check and change the recipients, the content of the e-mail, layout, and attachments.

The changes you make while editing e-mails on this level won’t be reflected in future messages. To learn how to change the e-mail templates, see the Templates - Notifications article.

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When a smart quote’s status changes to Approved, the new project based on the data provided in the quote is created automatically.


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