Create a Smart quote

Create a Smart quote

To add a new Smart quote, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the button on the top menu bar and select Quote from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, go to the Quotes module and click the Add Quote button on top of the quotes list.
    You will be directed to the Add Quote page.

    Add Quote.png
  2. Provide a concise Name for the new quote

  3. Select the Client.
    If the selected client has no contact person defined, you will be asked to add one.

  4. (Optional) Select the Service.

  5. (Optional) Select the Project Group this quote will belong to.

  6. Click the Add Quote button. You will be directed to the Smart quote page.

  7. Go to the Languages card and select the quote’s Source and Target languages, and Specialization.

  8. (Optional) Go to the Files card and upload the work files.

    Screen 6.png

    Uploading source files while creating a quote is not obligatory. However, we recommend that you don't skip this step. Having the source document in the quote helps to identify the order, calculate the receivables, and find the vendors willing to undertake this particular job.

    To add a file to the quote, perform the following steps:

    1. Drag the file to the Files card, or click the Add Files button and select the file on your local machine.

    2. In the Add files pop-up window, specify the Category of the file and its Language.

      Screen 7.png
    3. Click the Add Files button. The file added will be displayed on the list.

    If you want to add a file through the link, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Add Links button. The Add Links pop-up window appears.

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    2. Provide the file's URL and Name, and specify the document's Category and Language.
      The system will enforce inserting a valid URL. The URL address should start with http://, https://, sftp:// or ftp://.

    3. Click the Add Links button.

  9. Go to the Finance card > Receivables tab and add the receivables (For details, see the Add a receivable, Use CAT analyses to define payables and receivables guides).
    Do not forget to provide the receivables for all jobs and language pairs included in the process.

  10. Go to the People card:

    1. Check if the main contact person on the client’s side is chosen correctly, as all the communication related to this quote will be sent to this person’s e-mail.

    2. (Optional) Select the persons responsible for the project on your side.

Now your quote is ready to be sent to a client.


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