Projects module (Client Portal)

Projects module (Client Portal)


The Projects module is an overview of all your current and past projects.

To learn how to add a new project, see the Launch a new project guide.

Projects list

The projects are displayed in a list. Use a simple filter to display your current projects or your past projects.

The CURRENT projects are the ones with the status Opened. In other words, the ones you are currently working on.

The PAST projects are the ones with the status Closed.

Project statuses:

  • Opened → the project has started. Your language service provider is working on the translation process.

  • Closed → the project has been finished. The ready target files are delivered.

Project overview

To open the project's overview, click on the project's name in the Projects list.

In the Project overview, you have access to all project details and the confirmation document sent by your language service provider. To preview the document, click the Project confirmation (PDF) link.

You can also track the progress of the project. It is visualized by the colored bar with the project's start date on the left-hand side and the project's deadline on the right-hand side.

Summary tab

The Summary tab contains all the basic details of the project.

  • Service - the name of the required service. Usually, it is the name of the Workflow used for the project.

  • Specialization - a competence required for the project to be performed, for example, a knowledge of medical or law terminology.

  • Language Pairs - the source and target language pairs for this project. The source language is first in the pair.

  • Deadline - the date and time when the target files should be ready and delivered.

  • Contact Person - the person in your company responsible for the project. All the notifications regarding the project will be directed to this person, and they will receive the completed files if you choose this in the Project Launch form.

Tasks tab

The Tasks tab contains a list of all tasks included in this project.

  • ID column. Click the task ID in the table to open a new window with the task summary. To find out more, see the Task window section below.

  • Language pair column. The source and target language pairs for this project. The source language is first in the pair.

  • Status column. The current status of the task.

  • Deadline column. The date and time when the target files should be ready and delivered.

  • Cost column. A net price for the task.

Task window

In the Task window, you can see the summary of a specific task.

  • If the project includes the Client Review step, the files for the review will be shown in an additional tab, the Awaiting reviews. The Awaiting reviews tab is shown after the files are ready for review. To learn more, see the File Review section below.

  • TASK DETAILS - The task details, including deadline, language combination, and service.

  • Files - all files related to the task. Not only deliverables and source files but also the resource materials.

  • Price - the information about the net price of the task.

File Review

Client Review is one of the possible steps in the project. It is an option where translated target files are sent to the contact person at your company for review before the project is closed. Keep in mind that the contact person is stated while requesting the quote or launching the project. After the files are reviewed, the project can be closed.

If the Service selected for the project includes the Client review step, the contact person for this project will get an e-mail notification that the files are ready for review. Also, the project's status in the project module will change to Awaiting reviews. If you have the Awaiting Reviews widget installed on your dashboard, a new Review will be added to the list.

Files for the review are available in the task window in the Awaiting reviews tab.

  • To perform the review, go to the project and click the Review Files button. You can also click on the task name and go to the Awaiting reviews tab.

  • To download files for review, click the Download all files button and save all available files as one handy package. To download a single file, click on its name.

  • To upload the reviewed files, drag and drop them on the indicated space in the tab, or click the Browse your computer button to search for the files from the pop-up window. You can close the window at any time and return to this review later; to do so, click the I will finish later button.

  • When the review is ready, upload reviewed files, add comments if necessary, and click the Finish review button.

Files tab

The Files tab contains a list of the source files for each task in the project. These are the files you have attached while launching a project.

  • Click on the task ID to see the files for a given task.

  • Click on the file name or the Download button at the end of the row to save the file on your local machine.

  • Use the search panel to locate the desired file. Start typing the file name, and the portal will show you all the matching documents.

  • Click the Collapse all button to collapse the whole file tree structure. When the tree structure is collapsed, the Collapse all button changes to Expand all button, which allows you to expand the whole tree structure.

Resource Files tab

The Resource Files tab contains a list of the resource and reference files for each task in the project. The reference files are not to be translated but are necessary to obtain the correct target files. These are the files you have attached to the project launch form.

  • Click on the task ID to see the types of files available for a given task.

  • Click on the file type name, for example, Reference File, to see the files of the given type for the task.

  • Click on the file name or the Download button at the end of the row to save the file on your local machine.

  • Use the search panel to locate the desired file. Start typing the file name, and the portal will show you all the matching documents.

  • Click the Collapse all button to collapse the whole file tree structure. When the tree structure is collapsed, the Collapse all button changes to Expand all button, which allows you to expand the whole tree structure.

When a project gets the Closed status, the Leave Feedback option appears in the project overview. For details, see the Provide your feedback on the Client Portal guide.

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