Dashboard module (Client Portal)

Dashboard module (Client Portal)


The Dashboard is a general overview of all your work in the Customer Portal.

The information on the dashboard is presented through handy widgets. You can easily add, remove, and change the position of the widgets and, at the same time, design your workspace according to your needs.

Widgets overview

Quote-related widgets

  • Recent quotes → A list of all quote requests and not yet approved quotes currently in your pipeline. Click on the quote's name to see its preview.

  • Quotes statistics → Your quotes in numbers. The statistic overview of all your current quotes and quotes awaiting your approval. Click on the number to see the detailed list of items.

Project-related widgets

  • Project projects → A list of all your currently opened projects. Click on the name of the project to see its preview. 

  • Project statistics → Your projects in numbers. A statistical overview of all your projects, both current and past. Click on the number to see the detailed list of items.

  • Awaiting reviews → If one of the project jobs is Client review, here you will find the list of tasks awaiting your review. Click on the name of the project to open the Task window and review the files. To learn more about file reviews, see the Projects module - File Review article.

  • Invoices → A list of all received invoices for the finished projects. Click on the invoice number and then on the document to download or preview the document.

  • Payment statistics → Your invoices in numbers. A statistical overview of all your invoices, both overdue and total numbers. Click on the number to see a detailed list of items.

Reposts-related widgets (depending on the reports available in the portal)

  • A chart representation of a report. For example, the How much I quoted this month widget shows a chart of the percentage distribution of the costs of the quotes per target language.

Other widgets

  • Contacts → The list of your contacts at your language service provider. Click on the contact's name to view the email address or click Sent message to open a  Quick contact window to send a message to your contact.

Dashboard configuration

  • To add a new widget to your dashboard, Click the Add widget button or +ADD WIDGET on the empty space of the dashboard. For details, see the Add a widget to the Client Portal Dashboard guide.

  • To remove a widget from the dashboard, click the × on the title row of the widget.

  • To change the position of the widget on the dashboard, grab the title row and drag and drop it to the new position. The widgets on and around the new position will move accordingly to make space for the new one.

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