Data import

About importing

What is data import?

Importing data into XTRF is simply putting the data from an external source into XTRF using the IMPORT option.

What can be imported?

It is possible to import data in the following modules, with the subsequent specifics:







  • Profiles

  • Contact persons

  • Individual rates

  • Rates for the shared price lists

  • Profiles

  • Contact persons

  • Individual rates

  • Rates for the shared price lists

  • Memo

  • E-mail

  • Call

  • Task

  • Event

To organize this content, there is a special XTRF Import Template with proper columns and bookmarks. Below it is described how to fill it properly.

How to work on the import template?

Configure the system

Before starting the importing process, it is highly recommended to configure the system. All default values should be selected properly, and all additional system values (such as languages or job types) added to the system. Configuration should be performed or overlooked by XTRF Team.

One setting should be particularly looked at. Go to the   Configuration menu → General Configuration → Settings → Defaults tab → Edit, scroll to the ‘Files’ section, type in the secondary separator of your choice, and click on Save.
A lot of times, separating characters are used in names of imported System Values, e.g., in Specializations. Thanks to the secondary separator functionality, exporting or importing .csv files with names and values delimited by a comma or other separator will no longer result in splitting the content into different columns, but the integrity of the content will be maintained.
The default secondary separator is a comma.

Download the Import Template

The Import Template should be sent by XTRF Project Manager or can be downloaded via the link below.

Get the import template here.

Clients and Vendors

Clients and Vendors templates are technically the same because of the close similarity of both modules. This is the reason why these are described together. Obviously, the filled templates must be imported later in the proper module.

 There are 3 mandatory fields for Clients and Vendors:

  • Name is used inside XTRF to identify clients or Vendors - it has to be unique. It is not possible to have more than one Client (or Vendor) with the same Name. This one will not be displayed in any documents or e-mail notifications.

  • Legal name contains the full name of the company used in the legal documentation. In XTRF, it appears in documents and notifications. It is also displayed in Customer Portal. This value does not have to be unique, so there can be multiple Clients/Vendors with the same Legal Name.

  • E-mail address is used in XTRF to communicate with the Clients and Vendors. It is very important to provide a valid address. If this field does not have a proper address, it would not be possible to communicate using XTRF, and the Client would not be able to login into his Customer Portal. In case the email address is unknown, this field should also be filled by a temporary value such as email@missing or simply your own company address.

Contact persons

Contact Persons for Clients and Vendors share the same mandatory fields:

  • Customer/Vendor Name is the Name of your Vendor or Client.

  • First Name is the name of the Contact Person. It will be displayed in the notifications.

  • E-mail address is used in XTRF to communicate with the Clients and Vendors. It is very important to provide a valid address. If this field does not have a proper address, it would not be possible to communicate using XTRF, and the Client would not be able to login into his Customer Portal. In case the email address is unknown, this field should also be filled by a temporary value such as email@missing or simply your own company address.

General Price Lists

Mandatory fields:

  • Source language

  • Target language

  • Job Type

  • Calculation unit

  • Rate value

The only difference between General Price List and Individual Rates sheets is the lack of the Name column. Those records can be later found in the Price Lists tab in the Clients (or Vendors) module.

Individual rates

This sheet contains rates for both Customers and Vendors, which can be found later in one's profile, in the Rates tab (in case of the Clients), or in the Competencies and Rates tab in case of Vendors.

The Currency is set automatically to the default one.

Mandatory fields:

  • Client/Vendor name is used to match provided rate with a specific partner profile. It should match exactly the Name of a Client or a Vendor.

  • Source language and Target language. These fields contain the language combination. These are the System Values and MUST match the ones from System Values: Advanced -> Languages.

  • Job type is the kind of job for which the rates are specified. System Value.

  • Specialization is the specialization of a job. System Value.

  • Calculation unit is a piece of work for which the rates are specified. System Value.

  • Rate value is the amount of money per specific job and unit. No currency sign needed.


So far, there is no CRM Import Template. For more information contacting XTRF Specialist is advised.

System Values

What are these?

XTRF is a closed system operating on an interior, pre-defined merits called System Values. These come in two versions: Basic and Advanced. Both can be added, deleted, edited, and changed. All those operations can be done in XTRF-> Configuration-> System Values.


All non-default System Values must be first added to XTRF before the import starts.

All system values can be found in XTRF -> Configuration -> System Values: Basic and System Values: Advanced.

Below there are described some fields which contain the System Values. Each time they are mentioned, check the integrity between values in the template and the XTRF Configuration!

Filling the fields based on the System Values

XTRF is designed to manage the translation process so those values are simplified and unified for such usage.

Particular care is strongly advised while filling these ones. Otherwise, the system would not connect two types of records nor import them.

Below, there is a full list of columns containing the System Values

Clients and Vendors

Contact Persons

Individual Rates

General Price Lists

Clients and Vendors

Contact Persons

Individual Rates

General Price Lists

  •  State/Province

  • Country

  • Project Manager

  • Sales Person Responsible

  • Branch

  • Category

  • Industries

  • Lead Source

  • Preferred Language

  • Custom Fields

  • Position

  • Department

  • State/Province

  • Country

  • Contact Language(s)

  • Mother Tongue(s)

  • Source Language

  • Target Language

  • Specializations

  • Job Type

  • Calculation Unit

  • Source Language

  • Target Language

  • Specializations

  • Job Type

  • Calculation Unit

There are also non-mandatory fields, all listed below

Client and Vendor profile

  • individual (Customers only)

  • Industries (Customers only)

  • Lead Source (Customers only)

  • Sales Notes (Customers only)

  • HR Notes (providers only)

  • Recruitment Source (providers only)

  • Status

  • Address Lines (1&2)

  • Postal Code

  • City

  • Correspondence Address (if left empty, the data from Address Lines would fill up)

  • Phone Numbers (1&2)

  • Mobile Phone Number

  • Fax

  • E-mail addresses 2&3

  • Disallow CRM mails

  • Website (1&2)

  • Bank Account

  • Bank Name

  • Account Number

  • Tax

  • Tax n. 2

  • Contact Number (internal system number)

  • (Social Media) Account Name

  • Notes

  • Preferred Language

Contact Persons

  • Last Name

  • Initials

  • Gender

  • Position

  • Department

  • Use Partner Adress

  • Address Line 1&2

  • Postal Code

  • City

  • State / Province

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Phone 2&3

  • Mobile Phone

  • Fax

  • Email Address 2&3

  • Disallow CRM E-mails

  • Website 1&2

  • Contact Language(s)

  • Mother Language(s)

  • Social Medium

  • Account Name

  • Notes

  • Custom Fields (up to 10)

Individual Rates

  • Partner Name

  • Currency

  • Source Language

  • Target Language

  • Also for Reverse Combination

  • Specializations

  • Job Type

  • Calculation Unit

  • Rate Value

  • Minimum Charge

General Price Lists

  • Currency

  • Source Language

  • Target Language

  • Also for Reverse Combination

  • Specializations

  • Job Type

  • Calculation Unit

  • Rate Value

  • Minimum Charge

Importing data yourself

Step 1

Fill in the Import Template. Make sure all data is correct and matches its column properly.

Step 2

Remove rows 1-4. Do not delete row 5!

Step 3

Save the file as the .csv (comma-separated values).

Microsoft Excel, by default, saves .csv files in Win-1250 encoding and with a comma as a separator. It also can be changed in Tools → Web Options → Encoding.

Step 4

Open your XTRF. Go to the proper module and find the Import button.

In XTRF Template, there are 8 different sheets.

When the process of converting to .csv is done, one template file would make 8 different .csv files. Not all of them are imported from the same place in a system.

Below there is a list of exact places where specific files should be imported:

  • Vendors
    Vendors are imported from the Vendors module.

  • Vendor Contacts
    Vendor contact persons are imported from the Vendors module from the Contacts tab.

  • Vendor General Price List
    Vendor's price lists are imported from the Vendors module from the Price Lists tab.

    You need to add a new Price List with a specified name and currency. When it is done, move to the edit section by clicking on the proper icon on the right side.

    Then, there is an Import button that opens an importing menu, where the Vendor General Price List file should be uploaded.

  • Vendor Individual Rates

    Vendor Individual Rates are imported from the Vendors module.

  • Clients

    Clients are imported the same way as Vendors, but from the Clients module.

  • Client Contacts

    Client contacts are imported from the Clients module > Contacts tab.

  • Client General Price List

    Client General Price List is imported from the Clients module > Price Lists tab. Then it is needed to add a price list (by clicking a proper button) or edit the existing one. This operation is mandatory because the currency must be chosen.

    When the currency is specified inside the specific price profile, there is an Import button.

  • Clients Individual Rates

    Client Rates are imported from the Customers module.

Then upload the .csv into the destined space.

Step 5

Match the file settings with the XTRF reading. XTRF provides a wide range of settings to make sure that data matches. 

Correct display

Incorrect display

Correct display

Incorrect display

Wrong separator

Wrong encoding

Clicking NEXT moves to the matching fields menu.

Step 6

Matching the fields

Now it is time to connect the columns from the .csv file with a proper place in the database.   There are two sections: Columns is used for matching with fields in the database. Live Preview shows how your data will be imported.

In the Columns section, there are two columns. The first of them, Column Name is read directly from the first row of the .csv (this is why you do not delete this one from the import template!) The second, XTRF Field is filled with links to the proper places in the database. In the English localization, the values from the first column should match the ones from the second. When using any other language, these must be found manually.

The XTRF Import Template is prepared in such a way that each column name matches a value from the XTRF Field.

If your data is formatted incorrectly (does not fit into a field), it is indicated in the Preview. In such cases, the records in a file should be changed.

When the columns are matched, the data is ready to be imported. Click Next to start importing.

Step 7

Depending on the number of records, the importing process may take a while. There is a progress bar.

What if something goes wrong?

When it is finished, the import will be summarized. If any items have not been imported, a log file can be downloaded. It explains the reasons for the failed import.

The file only lists items that have not been imported. Reason is given in an extra column at the end. It automatically adds another column with a reason of incompatibility, to help with editing it.

When all lines are corrected, an Import Again button below takes you back to the start of the process.