XTRF Business Barometer

XTRF Business Barometer


Business Barometer is an analytical tool available for XTRF on-cloud instances. It offers you a clear view of your business's actual state and past and current trends.

Business Barometer uploads the data from your XTRF instance to create several diagrams you can use to analyze the company's performance and plan future steps.

XTRF Business Barometer refreshes your data once per day.

In Business Barometer, data can be presented for the following time periods:

  • 7 days

  • 28 days

  • 14 weeks

  • 52 weeks.

How to get to your Business Barometer?

  1. Sign in to your XTRF instance.

  2. In the address bar, add /x-custom-internal-HP-otp-redirector/redirect/barometer to the address of your instance, e.g. https://YOUR_INSTANCE.XTRF.EU/x-custom-internal-HP-otp-redirector/redirect/barometer.

You will be redirected to the Dashboard module of your Business Barometer page.

How to use the XTRF Business Barometer?

The XTRF Business Barometer consists of the Dashboard and three modules: Quotes, Projects, and Clients.


The Business Barometer's Dashboard gives you a quick overview of the most important business data.

Here, you can select the desired time period and check:

  • The number of quotes that were created during this period

  • Total value of accepted quotes

  • Quotes acceptance rate

  • The total value of projects created during this period.

For the Number of quotes, Accepted quotes total value, and Projects total value cards, you can instantly check if those numbers show an increase or decrease compared to the previous period.

Click the icon on a card to take a shortcut to the respective card in the Quotes or Projects module.

On the Projects Value graph, you can see when and how much the project value increased during the selected period.


Each module consists of several cards.

Quotes module

Projects module

Clients module

Quotes module

Projects module

Clients module

  1. Trends in client quotes total value

  2. Total number of quotes

  3. Quotes acceptance rate

  4. Total value of quotes

  5. Trends in quotes total value per specialisation.

  1. Trends in client projects total value

  2. Trends in projects total margin per client

  3. Total number of projects

  4. Total value of projects

  5. Trends in projects total value per specialisation

  6. Trends in projects per language.

  1. The most valuable clients

  2. Total value of projects from top clients

  3. Dependence on top clients.

  • Use the drop-down lists at the top right-hand corner of cards to display data for the selected period.

  • Hover over the graphs to see more detailed information.

  • Click the icon to download graphs in SVG, PNG, or CSV format.

Card types

The listed cards are of a different nature and offer you different options.

  • Comparative statistics cards (e.g., Trends in client quotes/projects total value). On such cards, you can check which clients brought the most or the least quotes' or the project's total value during the selected periods. The table columns show the associated data for the listed clients:

    • % share of all quotes'/projects' total value for the selected period.

    • Change - the volume of change compared to the previous period, displayed in:

    • Value of the quotes/projects added during the selected period.

Use the drop-downs on the top right-hand corner to sort the results in increasing or decreasing order.

  • Graph cards (e.g., Total number of projects, Quotes acceptance rate, Total value of projects from top clients, etc.). On such cards, you can check the specific numbers related to quotes, projects, or clients during the selected period. Above the graph, you can see some comparative statistics of current and previous periods. On the graph, you can check the corresponding trend.

  • Comparison graph cards (e.g., Trends in projects total margin per client, Trends in projects per language, Trends in quotes total value per specialisation). On such cards, you can display trends for selected clients, languages, or specializations on a comparison graph. To select the clients, languages, or specializations to display, check the boxes in the table below the graph.

You can select up to 5 boxes. To display more lines, select the 10 rows option from the drop-down in the left-hand bottom corner of the card.

  • Info card (The most valuable clients). It displays the list of five clients that brought you the most valuable projects during the selected period, along with the revenue numbers and their share in total revenue.


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