XTM integration setup

XTM integration setup

Integration for smart projects

The XTM smart projects integration is an automated service that is externally managed and can’t be edited by users.

To enable the integration, please contact XTRF Helpdesk. Our administrators will reach out to you with further instructions.

Please prepare the following information:

  • XTRF instance URL

  • XTRF User used for synchronization

  • Token of the XTRF User

  • XTM instance URL

  • XTM Company Name

  • XTM User ID used for synchronization

  • Token of the XTM User

  • The ID of an XTM Client you’d like to enable the integration for.

The XTRF user used for synchronization must belong to a group with rights to: Clients - Browse; System Values: Advanced: Languages - Browse; Projects - Display, Edit; Services - Browse; Notification send.

Integration for classic projects

Configure XTRF

  1. Sign in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to Configuration Menu → Integration → CAT Tools.

  3. Click the Add button on top of the list of available CAT Tools. You are directed to the Add CAT Tool page.

    1. From the CAT Tool drop-down list select XTM.

    2. From the Type drop-down list, select Classic

    3. In the Name field, provide a name for the new integration.

    4. Click the Save button.

  4. On the newly created integration page:

    1. Check the Active box to make this integration available on the Home Portal.

    2. In the Webservice URL field, provide the URL of the XTM SOAP service.

    3. In the Client field, provide the company’s name from your XTM instance.

    4. In the User ID and Password sections, provide the credentials of your XTM user.

    5. In the External Configuration section, click the Open in Pop-up link to access the XTM configurations.

    6. In the Project Name Expression section, you can check how the integration will generate the project names in XTM. To change this setting, go to the   Configuration Menu → Templates → Expressions and edit the Project name expression for CAT tools expression.

    7. Click the Test button to check if the integration is running correctly. If so, you should see the expanded Test section with the information about your XTM.

  5. Click the Save button.

Configure the workflow

To automate the integration, you should establish special workflows that will manage the communication between XTRF and XTM. You can create as many workflows as you wish. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to  Configuration Menu → Projects and Quotes → Workflow Definitions (Classic) and click the Add button on top of the list. You will be directed to the Add Workflow Definition page.

  2. From the Type drop-down list, select Task Workflow.

  3. Provide a unique name for the new workflow.

  4. (Optional) Add a Description.

  5. Check the Active, Preferred Item, and Default boxes according to your preferences.

  6. Click the Save button.

Workflow Graph tab

You will be directed to the Workflow Graph tab of the new workflow definition page. Here you need to configure the steps included in the workflow. The Project phase of your workflow must have the following structure:

External project preparation → The jobs you want to perform in this workflow (for example, translation and proofreading) > External project finalization.

To add the ‘external’ jobs:

  1. Click the  icon in the Project jobs section. The Workflow Job pop-up window appears.

  2. From the Job Type drop-down list, select external project preparation / external project finalization.

  3. In the Default Vendor section, select the Automatic Action radio button > External Project Preparation / External Project Finalization.

  4. Click the Save button.

CAT Tools tab

In this tab:

  1. From the CAT Tool drop-down list, select XTM.

  2. (Optional) In the Project Template section, select the desired XTM template.

  3. Check the Start Workflow after Completing CAT Receivable Using CAT Tool box if you want the workflow to automatically start after you create (automatically or manually) the CAT receivable.

  4. Decide whether you want to download the preview files with the Download Preview Files after Each External Job checkbox.

Job Mapping subtab

To ensure the correct information exchange between the two systems, you should match the jobs in XTRF with the corresponding workflow steps in XTM. There are four workflow step types available in XTM:

  • translate

  • correct

  • review

  • LQA.

Each step can have a fully blocking or partially blocking parameter. Fully blocking means that all file parts must be finished to proceed to the next workflow step. Partially blocking means that at least one part of the file has to be finished to proceed to the next workflow step.

The sequence of the workflow steps is not restricted.

  1. Select the corresponding XTM step(s) from the drop-down list(s).

  2. Click the Save button.

For more information on XTM workflow step types, please refer to XTM documentation.

Advanced Settings subtab

In this subtab, you can manage CAT receivables and payables.

  1. Select whether a CAT Receivable should be created along with the project.

  2. Select whether CAT Payables for each job should be created along with the project.

  3. If your workflow includes the package preparation job, in the File Type for Package Preparation drop-down list, select the type of bilingual file that should be created by this job.

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