Smart memoQ integration setup

Smart memoQ integration setup

Configure memoQ

memoQ cloud

No configuration is required. Proceed to the Configure XTRF section of this article.

memoQ on-premise

  1. Download and install the memoQ software,

  2. Open the Server Administrator window.

  3. Connect to your memoQ TMS instance.

  4. On the left-hand Category menu, select the Web Service interface.

  5. Check the Enable the WS API box.

  6. Make sure that the Base address is accessible from a public address and XTRF (e.g., https://localhost:8443/).
    If this field is not editable, open the Deployment Tool, go to the Advanced > Configure server > Web Service API tab, and change the Base address there.


  7. Restart the memoQ server.

  8. Check the connection by opening this link:  http://yourAddressHere:8080/memoqservices/tm?WSDL.

  9. If memoQ has no users added yet, go to the User management category and add a user that belongs to the Project managers group.

Configure XTRF

  1. Log in to the XTRF Home Portal.

  2. Go to the Configuration menu → Integration → CAT Tools.


  3. Click the Add button on top of the CAT Tools table. You will be directed to the Add CAT Tool page.


    1. From the CAT Tool drop-down list, select memoQ.

    2. In the Name field, provide the desired name for the integration. 

  4. Click the Save button. You will be directed to the newly created CAT tool page.


  5. Check the Active box.

  6. Provide the Webservice URL under which memoQ is available.

  7. (Optional) If the API key is enabled in memoQ, enter the correct value in the API key field.

  8. In the User ID field, provide the memoQ administrator's username.

  9. Select which user should be assigned as a project manager to memoQ projects:

    • Check the Use Project PM box to assign project managers specified in XTRF projects.

    • Uncheck the box to assign the user provided in the User ID field to every memoQ project created within the integration.

  10. (Optional) Check how the project names in memoQ will be generated by entering the Project Name Expression. The default expression is: ${task.idNumber.replaceAll('/', '-')} ${task.name.replaceAll('/', '-')}. It includes the XTRF task name and the XTRF task ID (all unsupported characters, including forward and back slashes, are replaced by underscores), e.g., Translation of documents (2014-123). To change this expression, go to the Configuration menu > Templates > Expressions and edit the Project name expression for CAT tools entry.

  11. (Optional) You can specify how the Vendor Aliases are generated by entering the expression. The default expression is ${provider.name}.

  12. In the Default memoQ User Groups section, provide the default groups to which new project managers and vendors will be assigned in memoQ.


  13. Scroll down to the Other section. Here, you can decide whether to reserve dedicated licenses for project managers and vendors. To learn more about licenses, see the memoQ documentation.


  14. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

  15. (Optional) Click the Test button at the bottom of the page to check the connection with the memoQ server. If the memoQ version number is displayed, everything is fine. In case of errors, contact your XTRF Regional Growth Manager.

Now, the connection between memoQ and XTRF is established.

MemoQ project templates overwrite other settings available on the CAT Tool page, so there is no need to set them here. To learn more about using memoQ project templates, see the Select a memoQ project template in XTRF article.

Prepare memoQ-integrated process templates

Before you start a memoQ-integrated project, we recommend you prepare a memoQ-specific process template or familiarize yourself with the built-in memoQ templates.

Every XTRF instance with Smart projects has several default memoQ process templates included. You can use, edit, or copy the existing ones (we recommend this option for those who just started using the XTRF-memoQ integration) or create custom process templates for memoQ-integrated projects.

To access those process templates, go to the Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Process Templates(Smart).

MemoQ templates are tagged with (memoQ).

Add a new process template for memoQ

  1. Click the Add Process Template button in the top right-hand corner. You will be directed to the Add Process Template page.


    1. Provide the name of the new template.
      We recommend adding the word 'memoQ' to the process template name to help with future searches.

    2. Select the Integrated with memoQ type.

    3. Select your memoQ Instance. To learn how to add a new instance, see the Smart memoQ integration setup article.

    4. Click the Add Process Template button.

  2. In the Main Data card, decide whether the process template should be active and thus selectable on the XTRF Home Portal.


  3. In the CAT Tool Configuration card:


    1. Select a memoQ Project Template. To learn more about using memoQ Project Templates, see the article.

    2. In the memoQ Project Creating section, decide whether you want the projects to be created automatically or manually.

  4. In the Process card, design your memoQ-integrated process:
    You can create custom CAT tool steps using the following guide: Add a Smart process step | Add a CAT tool step.

    1. Select steps from the Step to be Used in Process side panel on the right.

    2. Drag and drop them in the desired order on the Process card.
      memoQ-integrated steps from the CAT Tool section can be placed only in the order required by memoQ.


  5. Configure the steps used in the process. To do so, click on a step on the Process card. The step side panel appears on the right.

    1. Configure work files for vendors (see the section below for detailed instructions).

    2. (Optional) Turn on the automatic file delivery in each step. This option enables vendors to work offline: when vendors upload ready files, the selected documents can be delivered to memoQ. It also automatically scans the documents for any unverified segments, and if any are found, requires confirmation before delivering the documents and finalizing a job.

      1. Go to the MemoQ integration section on the step side panel.

      2. Select the Yes radio button for the Try to deliver files to the next memoQ step when Job is finished option.


      3. Repeat for other steps.

    3. (Optional) Configure the File Preparation step (see the section below for detailed instructions).

    4. See the https://help.xtm.cloud/xtrf/home-portal/modules/en/step-side-panel.html article to learn about other step configuration options.

All the changes to the process template are saved automatically.

Configure work files for vendors

Apart from optional files (like auxiliary files or reference materials), newly added steps need to receive and share bilingual documents from the project manager or client. By assigning bilingual documents to the memoQ-integrated steps, we ensure that vendors will find the required work files in memoQ, Webtrans, or as a downloadable on the Vendor Portal.

Those shared bilingual documents distinguish the integrated jobs from non-integrated jobs, which operate on source documents and translated documents passed from one step to another. 

To ensure the correct file flow for integrated steps, perform the following actions:

  1. Click on the step in question. The step sidebar menu will appear on the right.

  2. Scroll down to the Work Files for Vendor section.

  3. Open the PM or Client drop-down list, and ensure the Bilingual Document box and other necessary file categories are checked.


  4. Scroll down to the Files to be Delivered by Vendor section.

  5. Open the drop-down list and ensure the Bilingual Document box and other necessary file categories are checked.


The changes to the process template are saved automatically.

Configure the File Preparation step

Sometimes, you may need to preprocess the documents before sending them for actual translation. To do this, you need to add a File Preparation step, during which the first vendor in line can adapt or prepare documents that will later be analyzed by memoQ and turned into translatables.

All the files categorized as Source Documents during the upload are sent directly to memoQ.

To ensure that the vendor receives and delivers the correct files, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the File Preparation step on the Process card. The step sidebar menu will appear on the right.

  2. Scroll down to the Work Files for Vendor section.

  3. Open the PM or Client drop-down list, and make sure the Source to be Prepared box is checked.

  4. Scroll down to the Files to be Delivered by Vendor section.

  5. Open the drop-down list and ensure the Source Documents box and other necessary file categories are checked.

Machine translation configuration

All the machine translation-related settings are configured solely on the memoQ side per project template. To learn more about those settings, see the memoQ documentation.

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