GroupShare integration overview

GroupShare integration overview


XTRF Platform offers integration with client versions of GroupShare, an environment for a Studio CAT tool. GroupShare is a collaboration hub for small and medium-sized localization teams used to share translation projects, translation memories, and terminology among localization team members. GroupShare is designed to work with Trados Studio providing a complete translation platform. The GroupShare integration embodies your current Trados Studio integration and allows you to share projects among other Trados Studio users in your organization. It means that you need to integrate your XTRF Platform with Trados Studio first before you are able to start using GroupShare. This article brings you information on how to integrate GroupShare with your XTRF Platform to work more efficiently and use the full potential of your CAT tool.

XTRF Platform's integration works with GroupShare 2020 version. Earlier versions are no longer supported.


The XTRF Platform's integration with GroupShare requires the Trados Studio version 2022. To learn more about integration with Trados Studio, see the Trados Studio integration section of the XTRF Knowledge base.


XTRF Platform version

XTRF Agent version

GroupShare version

Trados Studio version

XTRF Platform version

XTRF Agent version

GroupShare version

Trados Studio version






XTRF Agent for Trados Studio

GroupShare is designed to work with Trados Studio. The integration with the XTRF Platform uses the same XTRF Agent as integration with Trados Studio. If you need to install the XTRF Agent, please see the: Trados Studio integration setup - XTRF Agent for Trados Studio configuration article.

Project Creation and Management

From the project perspective, the integration works in the way described in the following example scenario:

  1. A new project is created in the Home Portal. The project is based on the workflow for GroupShare integration. The vendors for all jobs are assigned in the Home Portal.

  2. The CAT analysis is made in Trados Studio using the resources available in GroupShare. The analysis file is sent to the Home Portal.

  3. A CAT receivable and a CAT payable are created based on the CAT analysis file from Trados Studio.

  4. Trados Studio assigns to the Project a new ID, which is transferred back to the Home Portal.

  5. The workflow is started. All work files and reference files are sent to Trados Studio, where a related project is created and uploaded to GroupShare.

  6. An e-mail with a link to the Job Manager is sent to the selected vendors. The vendor can open the Job Manager and, depending on the GroupShare workflow settings, do as follows:

    • Use the link to GroupShare

    • Download the Trados Studio package.

  7. When the job is completed, the vendor confirms that in the Job Manager. The vendor can:

    • Finish the job process in GroupShare

    • Upload the package to the Vendor Portal.

  8. When all jobs are completed, the Project Manager is notified, and the project is finalized: ready target files are sent from GroupShare to the Home Portal, and the GroupShare translation memory is updated.

  9. The target files are available for the client to download:

    • From the Customer Portal.

    • As a .ZIP file.

Vendor Assignment in GroupShare

Currently, assigning vendors to jobs in GroupShare is not possible - you need to assign your vendors in the Home Portal. Selected vendors receive notification from the Home Portal with a direct link to the project in GroupShare.

Users Management

In GroupShare an organization is a container, analogous to a folder, grouping users, resources, and libraries. Organizations can also contain other organizations. All organizations except the top-level one belong to another organization, and ultimately, the top-level organization contains all other organizations, users, and resources.


Your clients from the Home Portal are automatically mapped to your root organization in GroupShare while creating the first task for this client in GroupShare. Your client name in GroupShare is created automatically, but afterward, it can be edited and modified.

To do so, in the Clients module of the Home Portal, go to the client's profile. Next, go to the Main Data tab and select the username in other systems in the System Account sub-tab.

Project Managers

The account for the Project Manager is created in GroupShare within the root organization provided at the external system configuration. The name for the Project Manager in GroupShare is created automatically, but afterward, you can edit and modify it. When the project is created in GroupShare, it is done within a specific organization. At the same time, the project manager gets appropriate rights within this organization by assigning to them the Project Manager role.

To modify the project manager's profile in the Home Portal, you need to modify the user's profile in the Configuration: in the General Info tab, select the username in other systems link.


The account for the vendor is created in GroupShare within the root organization provided at the external system configuration. The name for the vendor in GroupShare is created automatically, but afterward, you can edit and modify it. When the project is created in GroupShare, it is done within a specific organization. At the same time, the vendor gets appropriate rights within this organization by assigning to them the Translator role.

To modify the vendor's profile, in the Vendors module of the Home Portal, go to the vendor's profile. Then, go to the Main Data tab and select the username in other systems in the System Account sub-tab.

CAT Analyses

The CAT analysis in GroupShare integration is performed by Trados Studio. For more information regarding the CAT analysis, please refer to the  Trados Studio integration overview - CAT Analyses article.

Supported Files