Smart memoQ integration overview

Smart memoQ integration overview


The XTRF-memoQ Smart integration allows the automatic creation of projects in memoQ based on the project data entered in XTRF. Therefore, using the integration can save the project managers' time as they don't need to run two projects in different systems to deliver one set of ready files to the client.
This integration allows vendors to work directly in memoQ while their progress is immediately reflected in XTRF's project. Also, within the integration, you can automate the document delivery between jobs and the calculation of payables and receivables based on the memoQ analyses. To learn more about the CAT tool integration principles, see the CAT tools article.

Supported memoQ Versions



  • XTRF supports integration with memoQ 11.2.

  • XTRF supports only LTS (long-term support) memoQ versions. To check if your version has an LTS status, see the list on the memoQ - Downloads page.

  • Integration with other memoQ versions may also work; however, XTRF will not be responsible for possible errors or malfunctions in this case.

XTRF's support policy for memoQ

The XTRF-memoQ integration works only with LTS (long-term support) versions of memoQ; therefore, not every version of memoQ will result in the integration's update. However, that doesn't mean that XTRF clients must stick to the LTS versions of memoQ - installing the newest non-LTS versions will not affect the work of the XTRF API and the integration itself.

What is an LTS version?

LTS is a significant feature update for memoQ, usually released every first quarter of the year. Each LTS version of memoQ includes every change made during the past year.
To learn more about the memoQ release policy, check the memoQ documentation.

Data synchronization

The table below shows how the data between an XTRF Smart project and a linked memoQ project is synchronized.

Data (XTRF equivalent in brackets)

XTRF => memoQ

memoQ => XTRF


Data (XTRF equivalent in brackets)

XTRF => memoQ

memoQ => XTRF


Project name


Only once, upon memoQ project creation.
Format: {xtrf project id} - {xtrf project name}. Unsupported characters are replaced by underscores "_".



Only add new languages (you cannot remove languages in memoQ).



Specialization from XTRF is mapped.



Client ID from XTRF is mapped.



Subject Expression from XTRF is mapped (upon memoQ project creation).



Description Expression from XTRF is mapped (upon memoQ project creation).

Project deadline


Only once, upon memoQ project creation.

Documents (remote Bilingual Documents)

Removing documents is not supported when the corresponding XTRF Job is in status Ready, Canceled, or Invoiced.

Resources (remote Translation Memories and Terminologies)

Removing Resources is synchronized in both directions; adding new Resources is only synchronized from memoQ to XTRF.

Document (Job) status



Vendor assigned to Document (Job)



Document (Job) deadline



Synchronization between a Smart project and memoQ ceases once:

  • The project has been permanently deleted in memoQ

  • An XTRF quote is marked as Rejected

  • An XTRF project gets Closed or Cancelled.


Moving the project to the trash bin in memoQ does not stop the synchronization completely. The linked Smart project will still be synchronized and may affect server performance. To break the synchronization and free server capacity, you also need to delete the project in question from the memoQ trash bin.

Periodic synchronization

Apart from the synchronization actions listed in the table above, a Smart project is synchronized with a linked memoQ project every 8 minutes.

Periodic synchronization covers:

  • Refreshing the list of remote Bilingual Documents on the Files card.

  • Refreshing the list of remote Translation Memories and Terminology files on the Files card.

  • Refreshing the status changes of documents and corresponding jobs (whether the documents are returned to previous steps or corrected and redelivered to further steps).

  • Sending notifications to recipients of returned documents, as well as corrected and redelivered documents.

  • Verification of languages of remote Translation Memories and Terminology files.

The synchronization of a Smart project with the linked memoQ project can also be triggered manually in XTRF by clicking the Synchronize Now link on the Process card.


When running integrated projects, XTRF will ask memoQ to assign the same people to process steps.


Vendors from XTRF are matched to linguists in memoQ by the Name in external system provided in the Vendor's profile → Main Data tab → System Accounts subtab → username in external system → Partner Aliases pop-up.

When assigning a vendor to a job in a project integrated with memoQ, the integration checks if the linguist with the same username exists in memoQ.

If the vendor can't be matched by username, the integration checks the vendor's e-mail.

  • If a linguist with the same e-mail exists in memoQ, the integration will assign this linguist to the job in memoQ. It will also save their memoQ username in the Partner Aliases pop-up in the XTRF vendor profile to ease future matching.

  • If no linguist has the same e-mail in memoQ, the integration will create a new linguist using the vendor's details from their XTRF profile. The linguist's Username will be the same as the corresponding vendor's Name in XTRF.

Use subvendors in integrated projects

To use subvendors in a memoQ-integrated Smart project, you need to mark a vendor as a subvendor. To do so, perform the following steps:

In memoQ

  1. Create a subvendor group in memoQ.

  2. Add the XTRF's vendor contact person to this subvendor group.


  1. Open the selected vendor's profile in edit mode.

  2. Go to the Main Data tab > System Accounts subtab > username in external system link.

  3. In the Partner Aliases pop-up:

    1. From the System Name drop-down, select memoQ.

    2. In the Name in external system field, provide the name of the subvendor group in memoQ.

    3. Check the Subvendor in memoQ box.

    4. Click the Add button.

    5. Click the Save button.

  4. Click the Save button on the vendor profile page.

Now, when you assign a vendor marked as a Subvendor in memoQ in XTRF, the integration will assign documents to the mapped subvendor in memoQ.

Project managers

Manager information saved in memoQ (if disclosed in the User Profile): username, first name, last name, phone, e-mail.

Project managers from XTRF are matched to Users in memoQ by their Name in external system provided in User profile > General Info tab > username in external system > Partner Aliases pop-up (for more information, see the User Management - Users - Edit a user profile article).

When assigning a project manager to a project integrated with memoQ, the integration checks if the user with the same username exists in memoQ.

If the project manager can't be matched by username, the integration checks the PM's e-mail.

  • If a user with the same e-mail exists in memoQ, the integration will assign them to the project in memoQ. It will also save their memoQ username in the Partner Aliases pop-up in the XTRF user profile to ease future matching.

  • If no user has the same e-mail in memoQ, the integration will create a new user with the details taken from the user profile in XTRF. The Username will be the same as the corresponding PM's Name in XTRF.


Clients from XTRF are matched to clients in memoQ by ClientID solely. To ensure the client's names are the same in both systems, go to the Client’s profile > Main Data tab > System Accounts subtab > username in external system > Partner Aliases pop-up and provide this client's name used in memoQ.

Otherwise, the integration will create new Clients in memoQ and assign them the XTRF internal IDs.

Mapping many XTRF Clients into one memoQ profile

XTRF integration with memoQ allows mapping multiple XTRF client profiles to a single client profile in memoQ. Therefore, if several XTRF clients have the same Name in external system provided in Client's profile > Main Data tab > System Accounts subtab > username in external system > Partner Aliases pop-up, all of them will be matched with the same memoQ client.

After you add a non-unique Name in external system, this client profile will gain access to memoQ resources of another XTRF client profile with the same username in memoQ.

Client resources

To ensure that all the XTRF clients mapped to one memoQ client will use the same resources, you need to specify the resource binding settings in the memoQ project template. When a memoQ project template is set to use a resource belonging to a specific memoQ client, all the XTRF clients with this client's username provided in the Partner Aliases pop-up have access to that resource.

Known issues and limitations

Implications of memoQ password policy

The Enforce strong passwords for all users setting in memoQ can lead to issues in project creation.

XTRF API delivers encrypted passwords (which is way safer than delivering plain text), but memoQ can't recognize them. However, the memoQ team does not recommend sending plain text passwords either. As a result, when you create a project in XTRF with a client or vendor that is not registered in memoQ yet, the project may not be created in memoQ due to password requirements.

The solution to this issue is to be developed by the memoQ team. For the time being, if you encounter this problem, you can tackle it in two ways:

  • Uncheck the Enforce strong passwords for all users box in memoQ,

  • Create user profiles in memoQ manually, then map them with the XTRF profiles as described in the Mapping section of this article.

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