Prepare a CAT-tool workflow definition (Classic)

Prepare a CAT-tool workflow definition (Classic)


In a workflow that uses integration with CAT tools (memoQ, Memsource, Trados Studio, XTM), you can include jobs that will be performed outside the CAT tool.

Possible Applications

Before sending files to the CAT tool, it may be necessary to perform some kind of pre-processing, e.g.:

  • anonymization,

  • OCR,

  • other ways of conversion to an editable format,

  • optimizing the file to achieve optimal segmentation.

After receiving ready files from the CAT tool, it may be necessary to perform some kind of post-processing, e.g.:

  • adjusting formatting to the target text,

  • DTP,

  • preparing PDF files,

  • converting to the target format.

Workflow Configuration

In order to enable the pre-processing of files, job(s) must be added before the External Project Preparation job.

In order to enable the post-processing of files, job(s) must be added after the External Project Finalization job.

The possible course of the project would be:

  1. Pre-processing of files outside of the CAT tool.

  2. Automated preparation of the project in the CAT tool.

  3. Translation in the CAT tool.

  4. Proofreading in the CAT tool.

  5. Automated finalization of the project in the CAT tool (download target files from the CAT tool).

  6. Post-processing of files outside of the CAT tool.


In memoQ, Memsource, XTM:

 In Trados Studio:

 To learn more about the Prepare Packages action, see the Prepare Packages action in Trados Studio integration article.

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